Sashimi Cookie



2 years, 7 months ago


Sashimi Cookie
He / She






serious . grouchy . protective

This is not your place.

Sashimi Cookie has grown distant and pessimistic, though he insists that he’s been like this since day one. Old friends would tell you otherwise, if you can find them. He can even be snarky or sassy, if he grows comfortable enough around you.


  • Fruits and rice
  • Swimming
  • His spear
  • History and stories

  • Persistent people
  • Talking
  • Reading and writing

Design Notes

  • Marks on hair are mandatory
  • Feel free to use any of the alt outfits!
  • Spear is NOT optional (can be subject to change)
  • Scar over eye is MANDATORY

  • She is short but angry
  • Knows how to make flower crowns
  • Master of hide-and-seek
  • The eye with a scar over it is white
  • Doesn’t know times tables
  • His scar is from an ambush
Likely to

  • Sleep with his spear
  • Be seen swimming at 3 in the morning
  • Hit you

Sashimi Cookie is very closed off and rather territorial, having a large amount of protectiveness to his spear. He has clear boundaries and a giant bubble of personal space, and will not hesitate to attack you if you try to infiltrate them.

Additionally, Sashimi Cookie has a hard time ‘letting loose’. He is constant search of enemies and has a hard time feeling comfortable around others, friends or not. He rarely talks, fearful of saying something that could be used against him. He doesn’t have much to say, anyway.

The Ocean

Similar to Sorbet Shark Cookie, Sashimi Cookie can survive in the water without getting soggy. He’s a tad less aquatic, being unable to breath underwater. However, Sashimi Cookie can keep their breath held for a long period of time.

Sashimi Cookie is incredibly fond of the ocean - he probably would never come out if he could - so he settles around islands. He never considered to have a real home, or island, so they are in a constant journey swimming across the seas. With this, Sashimi Cookie is incredibly knowledgeable about islands and navigation. This is one of the rare things that he’d gloat.

Loneliness and Unsettlement

Sashimi Cookie has been exploring for as long as he can remember. With this, he lacks a proper education and can seem unknowing of even the simplest of things, such as phrases and other metaphorical terminology. And, as much as he’d hate to admit it, Sashimi Cookie is incredibly bad at reading and writing. They prefer to avoid it entirely.

She usually comes across already inhabited islands, but rarely bothers interacting with the residents. Commonly, she’ll create a small, temporary living space with a rickety tent on the outskirts of the settlement, stealing food at late hours. While she is convinced otherwise, a few often-visited villages know of her presence.

Sashimi Cookie’s Spear

Her spear - a huge powerful weapon that Sashimi holds dearly. She almost never lets it leave her side. It is worn and old, but perfectly functional. It’s been with her for as long as she can remember.


  • Due to a lack of consitency, Sashimi Cookie has a hard time letting his gaurd down and relaxing. He has very clear boundries.
  • Sashimi Cookie can swim well in ocean, but cannot breath underwater.
  • Usually makes temporary homes on the outskirts of islands, most of them being currently inhabbited. In a sense of canon, this is probably how he met GingerBrave.
  • Due to constant travel, Sashimi Cookie never got a change to recieve a propor education. He struggles to read and write, but can communicate well.
Streamer Cookie Unfamilar

Sashimi Cookie doesn’t have much access to, well, CookieTube, so he’s unfamiliar with him. However, he’d probably thinking that he spends too much time on a screen (and he’s right).

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Duis sollicitudin ornare tincidunt. Etiam pharetra nulla eget pretium tempus. Mauris sit amet quam velit. Curabitur ligula erat, feugiat ullamcorper posuere sed, rhoncus a dolor.


Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.


Name relation

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque

i literally made this all up at like 12 am so if it sucjs im sofry lmao. peobably will egt changed or esited later but yknow :)