


2 years, 6 months ago


― bon cœur ne peut mentir;

4'9" | 147 cm
New Start


glow-in-the-dark stars bubblegum skipping school blue raspberry mochi donuts roller blades unidentified flying object strawberry soda wayward explorer


An alien who crashlanded on Earth.

Look. It wasn't her fault, okay? She just wanted to take a peek at other planets after her parents finally let her turn off the training controls. It's just that...Ethy didn't expect the gravitational field to be that big. Or strong. Or notice that her spaceship was getting slowly pulled towards the planet.

Okay, maybe it was a little, tiny bit her fault. But hey, it all worked out in the end! Dr. Tu- She was responsible and contacted her parents after the crash. The human lady was nice and let her stay (even if she had to keep going to school). And this planet was full of interesting emotions and events! Ethy has never discovered so many secret personas and clandestine meetings before!

"C'mon, Dr. Tuxedo! Let's go explore some more! Hm? School? I dunno what you're talking about~"

extra info;

bon cœur ne peut mentir — a good heart never lies

Ekman's Eyes
Ethy is able to read people's emotions. As she is still a child, she needs the additional eyes on top of her head help her control her ability. Each eye reads one of six basic emotions: anger, surprise, disgust, happiness, fear, and sadness. When multiple eyes are looking at the same thing, they are able to read more complex emotions (envy, excitement, etc).

Dr. Tuxedo
An alien that looks very similar to a cat on Earth. He has a doctorate in psychology watches over Ethy in lieu of her parents. Unfortunately, humans cannot understand him, and Ethy "forgets" to translate for him when he's trying to get her to be responsible.

Her spaceship is lying under under a tarp in Daiyu's backyard. All the pieces are there! And it's mostly fixed!! She's still working on the small issue of "how to get past the increased gravity," though.

Alien Trivia

  • Ethy's original planet is composed mainly of gas. As such, spaceships are like bikes on Earth: many people learn how to drive and even kids own them. Though, kids typically use training controls (AKA training wheels).
  • They are born with psychic abilities. The strength and specialization of the ability differs between individuals.
  • Much like a shark's teeth, their eyes regularly fall out and regrow. On average, one eye falls out every two weeks (both eyes within a month). Their eyes are great sources of energy, so they are often used in potions, arcanotech, or alchemical creations.
  • Their eyes can also help enhance their own abilities, so it is common for young children to ingest their shed eyes as their abilities are still developing. Nor is it rare for older individuals to do so.


Sister Adelaide is really, really nice. Sometimes Ethy goes to church just to get some of those inordinately delicious candies the Sister always has on hand.

Seriously, where does she get them? Ethy tried asking once, but the Sister just smiled and said that angels gave them to her, which is not a Real Answer.

Candy mysteries aside, the Sister is interesting in that (unlike others) her emotions always match what she says. Huh. Maybe she's one of those weird people who are honest all the time.


Ghost like to hang around churches. Maybe it was the religious-ness of it all, or the nearby cemeteries. Probably the cemeteries.

So Ethy wasn't surprised to see ghosts in this church. But she was surprised when a ghost started talking back. Er, she assumed the ghost was talking. She couldn't exactly see them — she wasn't that kind of psychic.

Well, Dr. Tuxedo could see Miss Ghost. If anything comes up, he'll definitely tell her.


Sister Adelaide was nice. Brother Julian was also nice, though he tried very hard not to be.

He managed to trick her, in the beginning, with glares that could strip paint and snapped sentences that stung like h-e-double-hockey-sticks. It was really scary! Especially the whirl of anger that was constantly around him.

Ethy was too smart to be fooled for long, though. He might be a grump, but he's a nice grump.