Artema Tuhlvarik



2 years, 7 months ago


Music playlist

Artema wields a black and silver sword adorned with teal ribbons known as Firei. The sword is considered a sacred relic of the Ancients and is believed to have mystical properties. Whoever wields the sword (or its brother, Jakhan) is known as a Guardian. Guardians are entrusted with protecting the city of Faloris and are regarded similarly to emperors or even semi-deities.


  • Name: Artema Tuhlvarik
  • Species: Thylian
  • Age: Early - mid 20s
  • Gender: Male (He/Him)
  • Height: 186cm (Around 195cm with ears)

Character interactions:

  • Artema views Sevirath somewhat as a father figure, and so is very easily manipulated by him. Sevirath views Artema as little more than a means to an end, holding no genuine care for him but faking it to maintain his unwavering loyalty to him. Artema will occasionally question Sevirath's decisions, but is typically quickly guilted or manipulated back into subservience towards him.
  • Early on in the storyline, Artema is Reia's boyfriend, and despite having to keep it mostly hidden due to class differences, they have a very happy and loving relationship. However, after a falling out between the two of them (and largely due to Sevirath's manipulation) they fall apart and become enemies. This happens fairly early in the storyline, so for the most part of the story they have malice towards each other (though both secretly still deeply care for the other). Artema is somewhat of an anti-villain, meaning well but being convinced by Sevirath that Reia is villainous. 
  • Artema doesn't generally interact with The Assassin much, though they do exist within the same story.

He's very much inspired by Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar, so do what you wish with that information.
Voice Claim