Sevirath Valikhorvus



2 years, 7 months ago


Spotify playlist
YouTube music playlist (OLD)


  • Name: Sevirath Valikhorvus
  • Species: Valyxan
  • Age: Physically around mid-late 20's (has been alive for a few years longer)
  • Gender: Male (He/Him)
  • Height: 225cm (Around 240cm with ears)

Character Interactions:

  • Sevirath is essentially the main antagonist of the story he appears in, with Reia being the primary protagonist, so the two of them generally hate each other.
  • The Assassin works for Sevirath, though the two of them seem to have a closer bond than simply a master/servant relationship. Sevirath generally doesn't show any kind of affection towards anyone, but is ever so slightly softer around him. He seems to be the only one who is able to show any kind of disrespect towards Sevirath and leave alive with all of his limbs intact, though given the two exclusively meet in private, no one ever witnesses this. Despite being hired to serve him, Sevirath seems to be somewhat compliant towards him, oddly enough by choice rather than fear or necessity. 
  • Artema views Sevirath somewhat as a father figure, and so is very easily manipulated by him. Sevirath views Artema as little more than a means to an end, holding no genuine care for him but faking it to maintain his unwavering loyalty to him.