
  • John

  • age 19 (at the beginning of the story)
  • gender Male, he/him
  • SpeciesHuman
  • AlignmentNeutral Evil
  • OccupationMonastery Priest (former)

apprehensive • Overthinking • Hopeless

John used to live with his family before his father decided to sell all of them off to child labour for a bit more money to burn. With his brothers stripped away from him, he was transported to a small monastery just north of Elfandor in the dangerous Uncharted Lands. The small cult's priests always came down to Angaar to recruit followers with... surprisingly tempting monetary rewards. 

Their faith in the One who Knows led them to be strict to the new pupils. "Missteps lead to loss of Knowledge" they used to say, as they stacked more and more chores for the little children. So, John and others were forced to an intensive education program so they could learn all about the world of Ahanaria and its magic. That would have been fine on its own... if it weren't for the complete lack of free time any of them had. 

One misstep, one breath and you'd get punished for straying off the path of Origia.

John felt like he'd lost everything good in his life... until he met David that is. David, an elf with gorgeous sparkling hair, was always a curious case; many pupils seemed to hate him for almost never getting in trouble AKA being a goodie good boye. The two got close in secret and became friends! Or... maybe even something more than friends... It was one of the first times in a long while when John felt... at ease. He could finally share his fears, frustration and receive as much comfort as he could give.

When David decided the two of them should flee the monastery, John was mortified at the possible consequences. He begged for David to stay with him as his only solace... but the elf had already made his mind. With John's last hope having vanished in a flash, he could only spiral further down the monastery rabbit hole...

He got promoted to priest quickly after that, being one of the oldest and most diligent pupils at the time. He did not revult or disagree. He only perpetuated the cycle of newcomers studying "tirelessly" until they become just like him. John felt powerless and miserable, even if he had all the power to at least advocate for the new pupils' wellbeing... and at most, free them with his varied knowledge of abjuration spells.

All that changes about 5 years later (he is 21 at this time) when a scarily familiar face spots him during one of his grocery trips. John, in shock, decides to run away, causing the other man chase him to the monastery. Having nowhere to go, he is cornered by a fighter and a paladin right by the entrance. "...James?!"

It is his older brother, James, along with his boyfriend Cailan that find him that day. Seeing the state of the monastery, they decide against any other adult's wishes that they should liberate the pupils and take John "home". The priests protest and fight back, while John hesitantly hurries the children away towards an inn, sitting right inside the Valley of Fear.

Not one of those kids ever liked him so he is met with resistance; that is until James and Cailan come to reassure they are all safe. John would continue to feel misery, even contemplating the possibility of disappearing forever. However, both James and Jeremy would usher him to turn a new page in his life; one where he would choose for himself and one where he'd be supported by his family.

A chance to try again... maybe that's exactly what he needed. John tries his best to live in the inn with Lord, Soreah, Cailan and his brothers... even if his former pupils avoid and mock him. In these moments of change, he realises his innate talent in elemental dark magic, which is powerful yet unstable, leading him to think of himself as more than a menace than anything...

Despite this, James does his best to make his brother feel comfortable and loved, even taking him to shop some new clothes at a store in the northernmost borders of Angaar! There, he meets an old crush acquaintance named Ezaiel, whom he learned about during his time in the textile factory. The elf had fled Angaar along with his brother Ozion... who John instantly fell in love with.

James did what he knew best and pushed the elven brothers back to the inn, even if they were originally heading for Elfandor. "It's safe here! No one can hurt you since I and my BOYFRIEND protect this place!", he would say with pride as John kept trying to approach Ozion awkwardly. Maybe he could have a shot at love yet again... maybe it wouldn't hurt this time...

 "I am undeserving of all of this... how can you love someone like me?!" 

height 1.92 m / 6' 3''

birthday26th January

Body type Long and sorta fit


Sexuality Gay

Relationship statusT-Taken?


Current Location VoF Inn


Magic Dark Elemental Magic


  • staying inside
  • reading
  • elves- I mean what.
  • being alone


  • himself
  • being praised
  • kids
  • screaming


  • He is a human with light pinkish skin.
  • His hair is long, straight and orange-brown in colour. He has two thick cowlicks at the top and three distinct bangs falling on his face. 
  • His head shape is triangular and with a slight "cheek".
  • His eyes are low, square-ish and bright red-peach in colour. They are stylised with red spirals.
  • He has bushy long eyebrows and a long, low, triangular nose.
  • His hands have long rounded fingers.
  • His body type is long and lanky.
  • For clothing, he typically wears long coats with hoods, robes and tall boots. He can wear casual clothes too but it's highly uncommon. His clothing usually ranges in the red, white, blue and black hues.
  • His default outfit is a long red hooded robe with bluish black and white accents. It is secured with a blue belt which also keeps two other pieces of cloths in place. The frontmost one displays his insignia: a dark shadow encircling a red ball of light. The backmost one is bluish black. Underneath the cloths he wears white tights and tall brown boots.

Fun Facts

  • His favourite colour is red.
  • Compared to all his siblings, he is the most literate one. He can read, write, do caligraphy and do simple math.
  • The magic he learned at the monastery has nothing to do with his innate talent; the spells he knows are related to abjuraction and protection.
  • He knows some Elvish along with Common. That's because David would teach him love words and phrases... ;////;
  • He regrets a lot of his life's choices, especially the cowardly ones.
  • David's departure from the monastery made him even more reserved. He's afraid to try loving people again, which is why James has a hard time getting him to open up.
  • He's quite the loner and tends to take long walks by himself. He's also a huge downer.
  • His insignia is a dark shadow going after a little red orb. This highlights his pessimistic personality but also foreshadows his light/dark elemental magic. Physical instances of his magic are reddish. Also, fun fact no. 2: the little red sparks of light escaping the dark shape are stylised hearts symbolising the two times he's been in love. Also sparks of hope yay!
  • I wanted to show how he has not let go of his first love, David, through his design. That is why there are instances of blue/grey triangles in his default outfit.
  • Hair looks like onion. I don't know why. But I like it.


[ brother ] John thought he'd never see his family after again. Everyone important in his life had left him... so it's not like he had to try and be a good person anymore. He never expected to see James, especially in the horrid state he was in. He couldn't force himself to confide in him, however much the other tries to comfort him. Having family again is hard, but maybe he can try to embrace his... overwhelming love. At some point.



[ boyfriend ] If you asked John, he'd say it was love at first sight... much like his previous endeavours. He's been hesitant to take steps towards a relationship, but the elf is kind and patient, having feelings for him as well... Slowly, the two... sort of make it work! Ozion helps calm John's constant fears and inferiority complex, while John gives the softest fluffiest love he can.



[ boyfriend's brother ] Ezaiel is quite overprotective of his only brother Ozion. That is to be expected of course... since John is not the best of people out there. They conflict a lot fo the time, with John feeling unable to counter any of Ezaiel's concerns, before Ozion butts in and tells them to "play nice". Can he ever rise to Ezaiel's eyes, he wonders...



[ ex-boyfriend ] He still longs for him sometimes. David was the first person he confided in. He understood him fully, he knew all his flaws and somehow always knew how to "heal" them, even if temporarily. Him leaving was sudden and John regretted his apprehension every day of his life... that is until he met Ozion. David stigmatised him forever... but at least now he could try and move on.

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