


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Atlas

Age 22 (in human years)

Gender Male

Species Covid-19 Omicron Strain (Virus)

Rank Prince (Former Lead Heir)

Value Not being sold


Atlas is a mostly grumpy but deep down actually very kind guy. He tends to not want company that much, but once one gets to know him and peel away that shield he built up around himself, they'll find a rather conflicted and almost a bit shy person beneath.
While he has incredible leadership skills, his wish to stay away from others never really let them shine. He is incredibly caring and overprotective and likes to actually help if he can, but still will do all in his might to make you not like him anyway.
Even though his kind lives in often huge packs, Atlas refuses to make a pack of his own due to the harmful nature of his species.

He harbors a lot of self-hatred over having to hunt Cells, when he deep down wishes he could just help and be kind to everyone around him.
Atlas has exactly one other brother (Menoitios) who always was incredibly jealous towards him, due to his status as Lead heir to the pack and got even more upset when Atlas parted from the pack and didn't even take that role.
His Father, Iapetos, a rather strict Virion with a pretty traditional view on how virions should behave, is also very disappointed in him, offering him to return if he ever changed his ways however.

Trivia about his Species:
-Covid-19 in the real world is the virus responsable for a global pandemic that started around 2020. Atlas helped me cope with the extreme fear of it that I experienced and is canonically the strain that I ended up getting infected with.
-Covid-19 in Starborn is a Virus known for it's great skills in adapting to its environment and intelligent movement. It's a hard Virus to shake off and most commonly lives within the Alveoli Forests. They can cause these forests to die or flood, as well as temperature fluctuations as the world reacts to their destructive nature.
-Atlas can use his tongue can be sharpened to be used as a stabbing weapon. It also has an additional stinger on it, that that can be activated to infect others with. Atlas is firmly against infecting Cells. He however, as all Virions in Starborn, also has to eat and his prey are sadly still Cells, which he despises but has to live with.
-His species are very quick and good swimmers, capable of being underwater relatively long!
-His three tails and many legs are more or less made for grabbing onto prey
-Has the ability to take on the look of Cells to trick them into safety. Some can see through this disguise though!
-Atlas has the rank of "Prince", as his Species ranks members according to how their spike-glycoproteins are arranged (the lil nobs on him). Kings and Princes have them form a crown on the top of their head, hence the name "Corona"(Crown) Virus. Princes are direct descendants of a King/Prince Virion and are only born within their first litter. Any Litter beyond will result in Knights and Guards, that have their Spike-Proteins aligned similar to a helmet.

(His species was made by Tatyana Sippy on DA and I follow quite a lot of lore about them, even within Starborn!)


"I'm not the best, but I don't have to be the worst either."

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