


2 years, 7 months ago


Purchased this lovely lady from IsharaHeart.

I adore her design and hope to use her more in the future. Expect to see more art of her, hopefully soon. :3

Name: Mnene

Meaning: "Gentle" (Zulu)

Age: 3 Years old

Pride: Zambisi Pride 

**Previously in Mkali-Baadaye as a Cubsitter in Usiku.

Rank: Nurser

Voice Actor: N/A

Physical Appearance: Light brown fur and light underfur, dark colored spots along her fur, light under eye tone/ dark above eye tone, and green/purple eyes. She has a 'Pridelander' nose with a light fade above it. Her paws are colored, matching the fur among her underbelly, and her eyebrows are dark colored.


(+) Selfless - Mnene would rather put the needs of other felines before herself. This lioness never expects anything in return, she'd greatly appreciate it if someone returned the favor but she'll kindly turn against it. 

(+) Intelligent - Knows right choices from wrong ones, she prefers to make right choices but sometimes there just isn't much of a choice. If she has gathered information, then she won't be afraid to share gathered knowledge for the greater good. 

(+) Maternal - Mnene will gladly watch over a youth or anyone, make sure they're hunky dory. The lass hopes to one day become a mother herself but until then, she enjoys watching over the young. (It's a saying.)

(= ) Nosey - As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, her nosiness will get Mnene in an unpleasant situation, one day. She tries not to be too nosey but the lass can't seem to help herself some days.

(= ) Confident - There may be times where she can be a bit too confident which may or may not lead her into unneeded conflict. Still, her confidence remains to be a good thing as well. Especially having the confidence to protect young ones.

(= ) Honest - Mnene does not favor thievery, arrogance, but above all lying. This lass prefers to always tell others the truth but, some things are better left unsaid, so with that being said, her 'honesty' tends to not always be the truth. Sometimes it's better to tell a small lie than the truth. 

(-)  Reckless - Especially when her beloved ones are involved in serious, possibly life threatening situations, she has a rough time thinking before acting. This is where Selfless comes in, her needs don't  seem to matter in that exact moment so she'll risk herself being harmed instead of others.

(-) Strong Willed - Very hard headed lassy, right here. In an argument, she'll usually continue until the other feline gives an in-valid excuse so she can point out they're wrong. 

(-) Slightly Aggressive - This lass is not someone you'd expect to have an attitude at first glance, but this comes with wanting to protect those she cares about. She's faced her struggles in her past and she's learned to accept who she is, even if others can't look past that. Her aggression is very reliable, especially if she's in combat but it can be her downfall if she's not careful. 


Mnene, like most lions, was born from loving and protective parents. Life seemed perfect for the small lioness, her cubs life was filled with tons of fun and plenty of adventures. Once she was a teen, she started practicing how to hunt for herself...sadly, she failed a majority of her hunts. There were a few successful hunts mind you but Mnene wanted more out of her life. Her parents disliked the idea of her wanting to run off at her young age so she promised to stay with them a while longer. During that time, she grew into a beautiful adult and became a bit better with her hunting skills. Still, hunting was something the lass didn't want to peruse once she joined a pride that she could call her own. Her fighting skills were far better along than her hunting skills, she could face off with an enemy if she ever had too.

Months later, the lass moved on from her parents, her mother had passed but her father persisted that his only daughter should stay behind with him. This was a difficult decision for the lass but she swore to him that she could protect herself from harms way. Mnene even attempted to get her father to travel along side her, but to no avail, he declined her offer. With tears in her eyes, they parted ways and went on to find something more. The lass hoped her father would be alright by himself, she'd worry for him and hoped he'd come find her one day. After traveling for some time, she stumbled upon a new territory, one her nose didn't recognize. The lands of Zambisi seemed like a good choice...only time will tell if this choice was right for her.


Family Tree:

 Father: Unknown

 Mother: Unknown

- Siblings:


- Mate: N/A

     - Previous Mate: N/A

- Offspring: 

Preferred RP Method: Discord