

Main Three Connections: Anrivia, Piper, and Prue

Persona is โŸกโ™กโŸก๐‘€๐‘’โŸกโ™กโŸก (Not really a character, basically me in irl)

ย All of these mean a lot to me in their own different ways. So please, I kindly ask that you do not ask about buying or offer on anyone here, unless Iโ€™ve moved them to the Sales Folder. But Iโ€™d love to see nice and thoughtful comments on any of these characters listed here.ย 

Anrivia is to be my fursona if you I donโ€™t consider myself to be a โ€˜furryโ€™ but she resembles myself.ย 

Names are in Math Script (Royal) Bold (#21)ย italics.