Mist Sauce



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Malery Tabitha "Mist" Sauce


Feburary 18, 2003





Height / Weight:

5'8, She's fairly average in terms of weight.

Body Type:

Average, a bit rounded.


Young Adult-ish





Malery "Mist" Sauce is a 5'8  American-Italian human with 3 toned brown hair and usually purple eyes. She lives and serves as a delivery girl/waitress with her family in their family owned pizza place: Circle Sauce Pizza Parlor. Outside of working she often visits this mysterious food based world, Cornutopia and goes on ridiculous adventures there as she can just run free and be wild. She's been diagnosed with Autism and is general considered a chaotic good character.

Mist, as all Italians do, has the ability to run incredibly fast, even able to out run speeding vehicles if running for long enough. As such she is fairly nibble and able to "parkour" her away around the environment or during fights, however, she is still physically the same strength as she needs to use her momentum to gain attack power for attacks. Likewise her "willpower" is the source of this attack power, but tends to stay at a pretty low level, getting the higher levels of willpower need a insane amount of feral and emotional rage. Mist also has a parry move in both using her hands and striking a funny pose, it reacts differently if the incoming attack is melee or ranged. 

Mist eyes, which are naturally colors, are almost always covered by her hair. Said hair will only get pushed out of the way if Mist herself pushes it away or other forces causing the hair to naturally move.

Mist has a younger brother Miles, her parents, Olive and Thomas, her uncle Gary and she is a soon to be step-cousin with Callie and Her mom, Ruby. There is a extended family but for the most part this is most of the family she lives with. 

Story Background:

Mist was a fairly reclusive girl, not because she was fully shy or hated talking to people but simple because a lot of people found her weird. However whenever she was on job duty, specifically when doing delivery, Mist's reluctant-ness to be herself is weakned as her abilities shine through to get a delivery in under 10 minutes.