Mist Sauce (Agent Indigo)



10 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info


Ivory-Infused Human



Height / Weight:


Body Type:

Average but a bit chunky


194-228 (Depending if it's pre or post-game)





Agent Indigo is a 5'8 Transcendent Human and Agent for the One Concern. With her main abilities revolving around super speed and strength.

Indigo's fight style is more or less  just a copy of mainline Mist, punches things good, is very fast, and has  a parry. However she is just naturally much, much stronger due to the  Ivory, as well has having regeneration aspects and being semi-immortal.  However, Indigo has the ultimate skill issue of being chronically tired  nearly all the time. It's very likely for her to just completely fall  asleep if she doesn't have active engagement in whatever she's doing. This often leads to her falling asleep in various places like break rooms or leaning against things, etc.

Unlike normal Mist, Indigo actually has a explanation for her parry move, being the cooling core near her heart. Allowing her to preform a parry which ranges from being a  deflection or a dodge depending on the context. Said core can be removed as well, which causes Indigo to near instantly fall into a  half-asleep to sleep status, thankfully not fatal due to her Ivory  blood.


When Indigo was still known as Malery, she was chosen by the One Concern with a few others to transcend via the  power of Ivory, as she was known for her higher than average speed in her settlement. However, during the transcendence process. She lost her  lower limbs and a chunk of material around her heart, which caused her to collapse almost instantly. Miraculously, the Ivory was just enough to keep her alive long enough for the One Concern to put her on life support. Where she remained there until there was technology powerful  enough to replace the area surrounding her heart. Then classified as the  Indigo Project.

About 170 years later, Malery finally was able to regain conscience being equipped with new prosthetic limbs and a   energy core to regulate her heart. In that time in status, her skin had   decayed in color with purple veins as the Ivory was able to adapt to  her  body. Being out of commission for so long, Malery had completely  forgotten almost everything about her past, even her own name. She was  given the name Indigo as a placeholder but it soon stuck as it was kind  fitting for someone with naturally purple eyes. She was soon put into   training with other transcended to become a Agent.

Being drastically older than everyone else at the ripe age of 194, she was  often made fun by other Agents in training, especially one going by  Agent Crisps. But she was eventually able to curve the difference once  honing her super speed abilities and parry, being a decently respected  and skilled Agent. Although other more notable Agents (Basically any  Agent from the actual game) such as the elusive Agent Black have neutral  perspectives on her, possibly due to her more youthful mental status  despite her age. 

Post-Game: (Roughly 24 years after)

Near the end of Iconoclasts, Indigo just barely managed to see the rocket launch as she somehow managed to avoid most of the other conflicts in the game. Being mostly confused at the sight the entire time, especially when the Star Worm crashed into the earth. Even more so when new plantlife started bursting out of the ground. Once she got her barrings and realized the One Concern was done for, she simply went out to find a purpose. Somehow managing to find a waitress job in a random settlement after being able to convince the owner that she meant no harm. Later on, she would seek out Crisps to see if she survived and would soon find her lost and confused. They now work together as partners in both job wise and personal.