Althea Hiramitsu



2 years, 7 months ago


(Disclaimer species credit goes to Azurehowlshilach)

Still under construction  UwU

Basic information 

Name: - Althea Hiramitsu II
Gender: - Female
Age: - 16 years old
Birthday:- November 22th
Species: - Light/psychic hybrid
Element:- Light
Status:- Alive
Sexuality: - heterosexual
Physical Description: - {Symbolized}
Mate:- none (too young for that)  
Rank:- Princess
Summon:- Unknown
Unique ability:- unknown
Inherited abilities from psychic heritage:- Healing paws / Emphatic sense
Pack of origin:- Tanlin falls
Pack/group:- Tanlin Clans
Classification:- Teenager

(Parents)  Celia (Mother) & (Unknown psychic dad) -  Sephtis (Adoptive father)  
(Grandparents)  ...                                                                                                                                                        
(Siblings) Xandra (Half-sister), Aiyohime (Half-sister), Barga (half-brother)
(Cousins) Luz (Cousiness/Bestie), Myri (Cousin)
(Aunts/uncles) Helios (Uncle)

(Friends) Tashi (Friend)
(Future Mate/boyfriend) Abel                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

(Enemies) Sakura


  • Very confident and talkative 
  • does not like listening to others, and when she isn't right she doesn't want to admit it... 
  • tries to help others even if her ideas and plans ain't always the best, though, her heart is in the right place
  • Adventurous by nature, doesn't like to be confined to one place
  • Brutally honest and blunt 
  • a free spirit 
  • a bit naive 
  • (to be added)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Althea Keenstone II was named after her great, great grandmother, Althea Keenstone I. She was born into a royal bloodline but was always seen as a very unconventional princess in the eyes of the Tanlin Clans, due to her mysterious hybrid heritage, although, that didn't seem to affect how she was treated, at least not when she or her mother were present. While Althea herself wasn't aware of it at the time, her birth was quite a scandal. There was some serious discussion about Althea being hidden away or given to another she-wolf to be raised by, so there wouldn't be brought disgrace upon the royal family. However, her mother didn't give in to pressure and surprisingly her stepfather supported her mother. It also helped that both her mother and stepfather were from old royal bloodlines, as they held some power, the queen, therefore, allowed Althea to co-exist, for that reason alone. 

From a young age, Althea was reported to be quite the adventurous type, her curiosity for the world around her made her wander off a lot with her cousin, Luz, making a very overprotective mother quite worried for her daughter's and niece's safety. While Althea very much looks up to her older half-sisters, Xandra, and Aiyohime, she doesn't like the fact her mother often sent them out to babysit her. Althea never felt like she belonged there and always looked how differently her sisters and cousin were treated, they were with respect and astonishment, while she was in the shadows, and though not picked on, she felt incredibly alone, and started to wander out of the safety of the kingdom, that's where she met Abel, who she connected with instantly, and started meeting him on regular bases. 

When she was 14, she and her cousin Luz' were sent out on a mission with some soldiers to check the abnormal cult activity, with Luz in charge they found this cult, and eliminated their base, freeing the slaves in the process, one of them went by the name of Tashi. Althea took him under her wing, and become very good friends with the pup, who seldom spoke, Tashi only started to warm up to her, after intensive care and lived for some months in the Tanlin Clans with her. She vowed to protect him and keep him safe, and she very much intended to keep her oath, however, it seemed as though fate had other plans, and the cult who she didn't have a clue who were at the time,  to her it was just another random cult, she only learned how barbaric wolves could be after seeing how badly they wanted the poor pup dead, this did not only open her eyes for how her people and outsiders treated the innocent. 

So when the cult found them one cloudy afternoon far away from her kingdom and gave chase to them, while they  were running away from the cult, they got separated, she only got to him when she saw one of the evilest wolf, she would learn to know, throw Tashi over the cliffs. Images of that day after barely escaping their grasps changed her perspective completely and would hunt her for years to come, bringing out hatred for wolves like that, which lead her later to join the Fenrir's rebellion, to bring justice to those who deserve it. 

Nowadays, Althea travels with Abel, her best friend, and helps out in the sanctuaries to bring damaged and lost wolves back into shape. She still visits her family in the Tanlin Clans, however, although it's been a while since she's last been seen there, as it's become a well-known fact she does not approve of her queen's actions towards the innocent either... 


  • The name Althea means "healer"
  • As she has a gem, inherited from her father's side, close combat isn't something she likes to do as it can be lethal if her gem gets damaged...
  • Althea has a natural talent when it comes remembering things, a sharper memory than the average light wolf, however, not nearly as good as that of psychic wolf, she can although memorize things easy, meaning she only has to see a thing two or three times and then she'll remember it, even if it's been years since someone taught her that specific move.
  • Althea being a direct descendant from a royal bloodline, seems to make her be more in tone with her light heritage, which she embraces with pride. 
  • Because she has inherited the ability to sense how another wolf feels, it will generally reflect on her mood as well.
  • her ability to sense the others emotions helps her detect whenever the other wolf in question is a threat or not.
  • A gifted healer - although she doesn't use her talents so much, even though she takes great interest in learning how to cure illness..
  • She's apart of the Fenrir's rebellion, and mostly does rehabilitation work with former slaves.
  • to be added