


2 years, 8 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
NAME Elysian
PRONOUNS (he/him)
AGE ???
Class Wizard
School School of Blood Magic
RACE Swiftstride Shifter

STATUS content
WORTH $ $ $
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˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗
Bloody Beginnings

The plane of Faerie, a mysterious land suffused with potent magic in its roots. The home of the faeries, satyr's, and most importantly Harengons, bi-pedal rabbit-humaniods who are ruled over by the Unseelie Court yet typically keep out of political affairs. A group of such Harengons, a traveling clan, are scaling the wilds in search of new land to plant their roots for a while. An almost completely black Harengon leads the group, only her face being pure white. Andromeda raised a paw, stopping her clan in their tracks. In front of her stood two large sculptures formed into the rocks that framed the cave opening that ominnously beconed her inside. Enyo, the goddess of bloodshed hovered over the left side while Ares, god of war, loomed over the right side. Myra, a blue-eyes brown and white furred harengon pulled at Andromeda's arm, "we should turn back." she pleaded, yet Andromeda didn't hear a single word. The darkness ahead of her felt heavy, yet something from within tempted her to enter the undiscovered cave. She stepped forward, wriggling her arm out of Myra's desperate grip. Engulfed by complete darkness, she couldn't see her own hand in front of her face if she tried to. Further and further she walked a steady pace deeper into the cave, unsure what she might find if she kept going. A sudden cold chill went up her spine, something wet...something thick. A rotten smell filled her nostrils all at once, forcing her to rear her head back in disgust. Opening her eyes at this moment, she notices a bright light is heading straight towards her from the direction in which she had just entered. Realization hits her, how did she find this cave, why did she ignore Myra? Why in the hell did she enter this cave in the first place with no light to guide her? Panic. Fear. She starts hesitently walking backwards, the wet feeling under her feet traveling up her legs as she makes a few more cautious steps. The light is nearly there, catching up at incredible pace. Andromeda takes one last step, bumping into something soft. Myra yells out, the bright light showcasing her nervous extression as she holds up the torch she had been holding onto while trying to catch up to her clan leader. Myra's eyes widen as she takes in the sight around the both of them, no words seem to escape her lips, all she can do is point. At that. Andromeda turns. A sea of crimson blood completely covers the marble floor beneath them, staining the fur on their feet. Not only that, but a small, human-like baby with similar legs to that of the harengon sits silently, staring up at Andromeda. "A-Andromeda...the prophecy-" Myra starts, "-shut your mouth." Andromeda immediately cuts her off. "speak nothing of this prophecy nonesense, tell no one about what we've seen." She kneels down, scooping the babe up in her arms. "we've got another mouth to feed, lets waste no more time."

Life with the Harengons

Elysian grew up not under the typical two-parent structure but with all the elders of the pack each treating him as if he were there own. He grew to be much taller than his those his age, making it hard for him to join along in any hunts. He knew he was different, didn't look like his friends, he was told he was adopted by Myra but never came to know what exactly he was. Despite his difficulties with hunting he found out ways to make himself useful, finding any book he could he taught himself the basics of magic. He could make an apple float, cause a window to burst open or ignite a small flame from his finger. Magic was used within the pack but there was nobody who had expertised in it, no one who could teach the young Elysian how to further develop his natural gifts. Myra taking notice of this, decided to take this into her own hands. She got in contact with the Unseelie court, stood in front of the Queen of Air and Darkness made her plea. "Please teach my boy magic, he truly has a gift." Needless to say, the Queen took intrest and Elysian was sent off to live in the Queen's castle.

Queen, The Mentor

Elysian stood still, palms raised up as the Queen stood behind him, watching his movements intently. "Keep your thoughts empty child." She slowly stepped around him, "..." he stared down at his hands, sweat beading on his forhead. "Calm youself." The queen gently pushed his hands together so they were cupped. A wave of calmness washed over him. Magic flowed out, yellow light boucning off the walls of the room. Elysian's eyes widened, the pulsating ball of energy forming into the shape of a small animal within the palms of his hands. The light dimmed out and left only the the creature the magic had formed. He blinked, leaning in to get a better look. The small small animal looked up, revealing itself to be a bunny eared owl griffin. Socrates, his new familar. The perfect beginning of an inseparable friendship.

Under the teachings of the Queen, Elysian continued to grow stronger and stronger with his magic. She taught him the ways of the court, how to speak, how to act, at most importantly how to get your way. The kind-hearted Elysian was changing, becoming more and more like the Queen by each day he spent with her. The time between visits back home became longer. The Queen quickly became the most important person in his life. He would do anything for her.

The Secret Mission

Elysian slowly opened the door and peaked his head inside. It was dark, too dark for him to clearly see. He wondered if he was entering the wrong room, hesistating. No, he has been here a hundred different times, this was the right room. He was certain. He closed the door behind him, engulfting himself in darkness. "Eylsian." a familar voice suddenly spoke, turning on the lights. "ah!" he screamed. The Queen dropped his hand from the light switch back to her side. "I need to speak to you about something important." She continued with her unnervingly calm tone. "of course, what do you need of me?" He conposed himself and moved forward. "you've done exceptionally well with your magic studies." His ear twitched in response. "thank you my Queen." "It's time to prove how far you've come." Her long, slender fingers press against a large device at the center of the room and a holographic image pops up. It shows the same location which they both are standing, yet instead of a large castle its large, looming forest. It is the material plane, clear as day. Eylsian tilted his head, "you will be sent to the material plane, live there as if you've done so your whole life. Report back to me of your findings when possible. You will be sent back home at my discresion." This was all she said, no more information, just a vague set of orders. Elysian stood there in silence, letting everything sink in. He was going to be sent somewhere he had never been before and wouldn't have a clue or where to go or what to do. Why did she want him in the material plane? Why did he have to go of all people in her court? what did this have to do with his magic? He nodded, "yes, my Queen." Questions were'nt something someone like him could ask. In truth he did not have much of a choice, he must do what his queen commands him to and never question her decisions. never.

Elysian would be sent down to the the material plane through a portal. Lost, alone and unsure of what he's supposed to do. "I'll be back home in no time..." he reassured himself. With Socrates comfortably wrapped around his shoulders, he walked through the forest, hopeful he'd find somewhere to stay for the night.

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗
Name Surname

Cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur.

Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna. Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer.

Name Surname

Scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque.

Tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque.

Name Surname

Fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla. Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id. Scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci.

Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare.

Name Surname

Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus.

Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. Sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

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