


2 years, 7 months ago


🌿  Emps and the world of Pathos belong to Friggenwhat  🌿


    ▫  Full Name: Kuavan

    ▫  Aliases: Kuv, "Guava"

    ▫  Sex: N/A

    ▫  Pronouns: He/Him

    ▫  Age: 27

    ▫  Species: Emp

    ▫  Height: 5'7"

    ▫  Weight: 94lbs

    ▫  Emp Traits:

           └→ Regular: Straight legs, smooth tail, two eyes.

           └→ Special: Body thorns



Ardent, Impetuous, Loyal
— Personality In Three Words

Kuavan, well known for being a living, breathing firecracker, exudes the epitome of what one may consider "little dog energy". He is truly a chihuahua among Emp kind!

Like his much larger, much redder counterpart, Amurós, Kuavan has a knack for vanity... of his own liking, that is. He's a fan of looking sharp in almost every way; having natural thorns on his body wasn't enough for him, so he maintains a number of thorn-like stud piercings along with a sharp head of hair that one only thought to exist in this Earthen thing called "anime." Despite being close, his taste in attire doesn't always align with Amurós', which can leave the two bickering with one another like a "fashionable" married couple.

Nowadays, due to hardly being seen apart from Amurós - or "Amur," as he likes to call her - the two are often referred to as a duo rather than as individuals.

Brief History

Most of his beginning years as a young Empling were accompanied by Amur and a human named Celine, who he also referred to via nickname, calling her "Cell." The three came to be very close friends with one another over the years, Kuavan even developing a bit of a crush on Celine that, to the best of his ability, he swore to absolute secrecy (which wasn't much of a secret, honestly!) If anyone dared to try and pick on Amurós or Celine, Kuavan was quick to start throwing fists... which, more often than not, this resulted in the two ladies holding him back before he got himself into trouble.
In Kuavan's opinion, fighting was (and still is) "the only thing he's any good at." Even outside of confrontation, it was hard not to want to fight. He adores martial arts.

It wasn't long after the three had made their way to Pathos' capital that Kuavan's life took a much darker turn. He got involved in the Agency of Liam.
His presence in the agency was a secret he kept from both Celine and Amurós (again, to the best of his questionable ability.) For many years, he was successful with Amur; at the time, her pursuit in fashion design helped to establish some distance he could better hide in. Celine was quick to catch on, however. Cell tried her best to get him out of it, which only ended with Kuavan's adamant refusal. Even if he wanted out, there was little chance in living a normal life afterwards...

To be an agent of Liam was a precarious duty; it often entailed being the secret shadow cast by the city's police force. Where legality had its limits, the agency did not. Where the police could go no further, the agency stepped in. To be taken into the agency came with the heavy toll of holding its secrets. To leave meant one would be forever watched to ensure its secrets were kept.
There are times where Kuavan felt trapped by it, but ultimately, he was doing what he truly wanted to do with his life, which is fight... and he was getting paid rather handsomely to do so!

When Celine became another casualty of the "Chant de la Mort," however, everything changed. He became hellbent on exacting revenge.
Never in all his life had he had such a strong sense of drive and responsibility. He fell into tune with the agency's cause, blossoming into one of its most successful members. When Amur eventually learned of Kuavan's involvement with the agency while investigating Celine's case for herself, she too wished to "do something more with her life, for Celine." Though moved by the notion, Kuavan knew she would struggle and initially tried to talk her out of it, but of course, Amurós wouldn't take no for an answer. He knew he could do only one thing: to concede and show her the ropes.

To this day, Amurós and Kuavan aim to avenge their fallen comrade, though, they haven't been able to get close enough to the "Chant de la Mort" themselves.

It isn't until a rather unlikely journalist (coming soon!) covering the case is able to start connecting the dots... aiding the duo in their efforts to bring the killer to justice. 


    ▫  Birthday: The Pathos equivalent of August 19th

    ▫  Orientation: Bisexual

    ▫  Occupation: Agent (Agent of Liam)

    ▫  Past Occupations: Part-Time Baker's Assistant (worked at the same town bakery as Amurós and Celine during his youth)

    ▫  Skills: Has experience with various martial arts and close-ranged weaponry, particularly knives

    ▫  Hobbies: Martial arts, knife throwing, Poker and origami (all of which he's admittedly terrible at, outside of martial arts and knife throwing)

    ▫  Favorite Colors: Silvers and blacks

    ▫  Favorite Consumables: Olives, Margherita pizza and generally all forms of Italian food

    ▫  Fears: Losing loved ones, betrayal


    ▫  If it wasn't already made apparent by the "guava" nickname, Kuavan's name is pronounced somewhat similarly, as "kwah-vahn," though "koo-ah-vahn" is also acceptable! And as the "guava" nickname may already suggest, it did indeed originate from many non-Emp mispronunciations and overall failure to grasp his name over the years. Kuavan much prefers Kuv (pronounced "koov") over "Guava," but he has come to accept this name-pronunciation failure as yet another moniker nonetheless.

    ▫  Kuavan's emotions have been out of his control all his life; as a result, his expressions often escape his control as well. He can be read like a book, in both Amur's and Cell's opinion, and it's the main reason that Kuavan is so terrible at Poker! That being said, if you're wondering how he's able to maintain his position in the agency despite this, frankly, your guess is as good as mine! Liam himself often remarks on Kuavan's "strong emotions" as being "his best, yet worst quality" as an agent.

    ▫  His body thorns are nontoxic, which honestly used to upset him! It got in the way of his teenage "bad boy" dreams. However, after Celine accidentally pricked herself while attempting to give him a hug, he quickly (and secretly) changed his mind at the time.