


2 years, 7 months ago


Character Chart 

Character’s full name: Taemin Atherton

Birth date: unknown

Gender: male

Sex: male

Species: human

Age: 68


Taemin is quite condescending, he likes to joke but only at others expanse. He’s haughty and looks down on most people. Towards Yoonji he’s doting, a bit controlling but overall a loyal and loving husband. 


Taemin and his sister were adopted and grew up in an upper class British family, despite their wealth when his sister fell ill no amount of money changed her demise. Her death traumatized Taemin as they’d been impossibly close. Ever since that day he’d become twisted, violent and spiteful. 

Most important childhood memory: playing dolls with his sister. 

Education: he was well educated and proved to be adept at science and maths in particular 

Religion: despite his family being religious Taemin never took to any faith. 

Occupation: doctor, surgeon. 


In a desperate attempt to keep the memory of his sister alive Taemin spent years combining skills of different practices to create yoonji- a living doll made from the body parts of different women and given life by black magic. She’s his everything and the culmination of all his hard work. 

Occupation: toy maker / doll maker

Finances: still in the upper middle class

Family and other Relationships 

Mother: he was never close with his adoptive mother though holds resentment towards her

Father: he was never close with his adoptive father

Sister: she was his entire world, the only good thing he ever knew.

Yoonji: a doll created in memory of his beloved sister. They share a name but she seems a bit off… she’s Taemin’s lover and what his world revolves around. 

He has no friends. No notable relationships either. He keeps himself very isolated but does enjoy mingling with upper class folks


Color: red

Food: human meat

Literature: old poetry 

Form of entertainment: puppet shows 

Most prized possession: yoonji

Habits and Tics

Hobbies: doll and toy making, besides yoonji he’s made countless other non living toys and dolls that he pours his heart into. He has a room dedicated to these creations. 

Drug use: recreational, Taemin likes to keep a plethora of substances around to indulge in from time to time. 

Usual body posture: nervous, he always has a jittery air to him, many think he seems untrustworthy but it’s just his shifty eyes and constant half smile. 

Mannerisms: smiles from only one side, teeth poking out ever so slightly, licks lips often, hums / sings to fill silence, rubs his hands together or strokes over his clothes. 


Taemin has quite old views about most things, he’s quite sexist viewing women as property- he also has a negative attitude towards most and a tendency to negatively compare them to his deceased sister. Why can’t more women be like her? He despises promiscuity, believing that women should be innocent until giving it up to their husbands. He hates hypocrites as well and thankfully isn’t one- being a virgin until creating the love of his life. He’s just as negative towards men though it’s undertones are less sexist and more in line with just hating society. He’s extremely obsessive, once he’s set on something he won’t stop until it’s achieved. 


As a child Taemin’s sister was his only friend, he’d always been a bit of an offputting and antisocial child. Though brilliant academically and charming when he tried he lacked an interest in kids his age- many found him offputting. It never mattered though, his sister and him spent all their time together playing with dolls and singing. Even when she became sickly and bed ridden he still played with her and spent all his time at her side. In her final days when she was too sick to play he’d sit by her and sew her a dress to wear. Even if he should’ve seen it coming Yoonji’s passing was traumatic for him, an event that completely shifted his life. Where he’d tried to be social before only to be shunned he then became bitter and cruel to those around him. He resented his parents and eventually murdered them- and served their corpses to a dinner party of their closest friends. He was never found out for their murders as he told a sob story that his parents just abandoned him with no information on where they’d gone… just for their bodies to turn up days after he’d reported them missing. It was the turning point, leading to a life of well hidden crime. He studied hard to become a doctor, a surgeon to be exact. He was excellent at his job too but it was a means to an end- he wanted to learn to dissect people and preserve them. For years he kept the guise of being a caring doctor, researching in the background how he could resurrect his sister. When it proved impossible he changed gears- he’d honor her memory by giving himself the companion he’d never have otherwise. Yoonji… she started from a corpse he found particularly beautiful, freshly dead enough he could preserve it, curse it, alter it. Pick parts from other pretty girls, bind it all together with magic, and finally bring it to life where it would serve as his best friend and lover. Once he brought her to life he retired as a surgeon and started to isolate himself. Sometimes he’d venture into town to sell his toys to local shops but most of his time was spent playing house with yoonji or trying to satiate their tastes for human meat.