


3 years, 10 months ago


Character Chart 

Character’s full name: Yoonji Atherton 

Birth date: unknown

Gender: female 

Sex: female

Species: living doll

Age: ???


Yoonji is polite and obedient but only to Taemin, towards anyone else she’s cold and rude. She’s quiet, preferring not to speak and often letting Taemin speak for her- until she wishes to insult someone. She’s a very violent being, possessive and sadistic to boot. 



Most important childhood memory: ???

Education: yoonji only knows what Taemin has taught her or she’s read in books around his mansion

Religion: ????

Occupation: ????


Yoonji is Taemin’s other half, unaware of his past or why she exists she just lives to be his. Unfortunately being a reanimated corpse means she has some issues- bother physically and mentally. 

Occupation: companion 

Family and other Relationships 

Taemin: he’s really the only person she knows or likes


Color: black

Food: human meat

Literature:  yoonji doesn’t like to read

Form of entertainment: sleeping, committing murder, sex

Most prized possession: her dresses that Taemin made for her and a stuffed cat he sewed.

Habits and Tics

Hobbies: sleeping, collecting weaponry, playing piano, gardening. 

Drug use: drugs and alcohol do not effect yoonji. Neither does poison. 

Usual body posture: stiff. She acts proper, docile, but it’s in an unnatural stiff way. She hardly ever smiles and always has a certain dullness to her eyes.

Mannerisms: holds hands behind back, looks to Taemin so he’ll speak for her, tends to cling to him in public or around others.


She’s cruel and has a near insatiable blood lust. Physically she falls apart without constant maintenance. She doesn’t like people or socializing and will be blatantly rude to people if they speak to her.


She knows nothing before waking up one day in Taemin’s basement, his explanation of her being his creation was satisfying enough that Yoonji never questioned it. She’d seen his other dolls and creations and found them beautiful so… why wouldn’t he make himself a wife too? The biggest issues come from reanimating a corpse with no soul, just giving it an artificial personality and emotions… it breeds evil. Without a soul to dictate bad from good ones left with an empty husk, and in this case that empty husk wants violence blood and carnage.