Charlotte Baker (City Lines)



1 year, 9 months ago


if i could ride a bike
bahaha! it's a party in here, innit?
charlotte baker
24 (may 11)

gender apathetic
any/all pronouns

5'1" / 112lbs
library assistant


hailing from the hilly fields of yorkshire, charlotte moved to the city with her mummy and three siblings around a year ago. though she's more accustomed to quaint, small-town life, at least she has her city-slicker mummy to teach her the ways of the hustle and bustle of city life.

charlotte is bright and cheery, despite her affinity for dreary, cloudy days. she frequents the local park, and one can often find her feeding ducks or participating in the occasional event or festival.

though he moved with his family, he is an adult, after all... so charlotte lives in his own place at the salvation found apartments. his family is often invited over for dinner, though, and vice-versa.

they work part-time at the local library along with their younger brother, benji.

  • cloudy days
  • oatmeal creme pies
  • knives
  • dandelions
  • tight spaces
  • guns
Confidence [ 60% ]
Charisma [ 50% ]
Honesty [ 99% ]
Diligence [ 35% ]
Intelligence [ 20% ]

  • charlotte is extremely gender apathetic and doesn't mind whatever people view her as; all pronouns and terms apply and work, in her eyes.
  • as charlotte's mother died when they were quite young, they were never forced to participate in an inheritence competition with their sisters. thus, they do not have as much skill and knowledge in agriculture as they do in their main canon, though they do know more than the average person.
  • charlotte still has low empathy. that will never change, regardless of what canon they're in.
  • her older siblings mason and jessica still reside on monstow farm, tending to it with their aunts while the rest of the family has moved to the city. something about keeping tradition alive. beau has his own house in the city, while benji and summer still live with their mummy, eve.
  • he is not particularly interested in romance, though he does not dislike it and is not against it. it's just not on his mind.
design by me
Design Notes

  • charlotte's hair is long, messy, and reaches down to their butt. they do not brush it. it is naturally white.
  • their eyes never have shine in them, and they always have oval-shaped blush on their cheeks. they have long bottom lashes, and thick eyebrows. the bridge of their nose is dotted with freckles.
  • charlotte is always wearing layers - their default outfit consists of a striped long-sleeved shirt, a basic tee, and a black and blue overalls dress.
  • she has a square-shaped body with a completely flat chest (hello top surgery!). very petite and small.
  • charlotte's wellies have little bows on the back of them, close to the top rim.

NAME relation

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