Mitarashi Masaru



2 years, 7 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
NAME mitarashi masaru
ALIAS masa
BIRTH july 20
GENDER male (he/him)
HEIGHT 178cm
stars ︎ ♋︎ (☉) | ♍︎ (☽)| ♏︎ (☊)
stone topaz

  • honey
  • fireworks
  • organised messes
  • evening lights
  • plane rides
  • ice cream
  • waiting
  • ignorance
  • Why use 3 words when you could use 20? That's his entire schtick.
  • The only acceptable footwear outside of the house is leather shoes. Anything less is heresy.
  • Flamboyance and paranoia wouldn't usually be a good combination, but it's cute on him. Maybe.
  • Jealousy will always be his weakness, but it won't be his downfall. He lives it, breathes it, thrives in it.
˗ˏˋ Excerpts ˎˊ˗

It's not- He's happy. He's actually really happy these days. Things have been going suspiciously well to the point that he's actually getting what he wants, and that's ominous.

There are three (four) constants in his life, and being constantly subjected to his mother's whims is one of them. What kind of game is mother dearest playing now?


This one, this one was his fault. He got a little too greedy, maybe, a little too loose-lipped about wanting, about owning, so they both left.

(It's not just him, not really, because he especially knows that the world doesn't revolve around him. But it's easier to believe in his own overzealousness than to think that they found him lacking.)


There hasn't been anything in a long while that he wants, he needs. Once the idea takes root in his mind, he's gone. 'It's a nice experiment,' he tells himself, as if he can make himself believe if he said it enough times.

Like a moth to a flame. If he burns, then so be it.

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗

It has always been a little bit about winning whenever Takara is concerned; she likes to win far too much and there's only so much he can take before giving in to the urge to tease.

Many seem to think that they're complicated, which coudln't be more wrong. It's very straightforward, you see: takara is fond of him (an admirable feat), and masaru is... infatuated.

He knows full well that he fell too deeply, too quickly when he was still too young to understand the full depth of his growing obsession, but it's no big deal: takara stays, and that's enough.

This one, this one is complicated.

Mikado loves him, so full of worry and affection all the time in the way eldest siblings do, sometimes bordering on overwhelming. He's the only parental figure in masaru's life that he'd hate to disappoint, not when Mikado had always tried to be a mother, a father, a brother the best he could.

But it's a little hard for Masaru to love him back in the same way. That in itself rings enough like a failure that he balks when forced to think about it, but Mikado had always waved his concerns away. They're peas in a pod when it comes to fixation, he understands. It's okay if Mikado isn't his sole focus.

Amu has no expectations for him. It's refreshing.

It's actually more like Amu has set the bar so low for him that anytime he does something remotely nice, there's an encouraging hand on his shoulder. Very gruff and manly.

Amu doesn't push him to be better, just sits and nods whenever he whines about anything and everything, sometimes laughing at his ridiculousness and having his noodles go down the wrong way from snorting. It's easy.

In typical fashion of all youngest children out there, he has no idea how to deal with kids.

Not that Fujisaki is an actual toddler, god forbid, but he doesn't do well with teenage girls other than pissing them off. Despite what people say, he can actually take a hint.

For now, he is content with throwing gifts at the girl and keeping his distance. Kids these days like sneakers, right? Right?

. .