

the human gps

"True love stories never have endings..."

Formerly a simple Parisian with a passionate interest in archaeology and history, Devan ends up entangled with the vampire world when she begins dating Jacques. Initially simply interested in the vampire world thanks to her endless curiosity, she is forced to join it when she comes too close to death. As a vampire, Devan begins living in Jacques' coven, which is run by his ex-girlfriend who is practically his ex-wife, and nothing is awkward, except for everything.


Called Devan Rousseau
Meaning Divine
nicknames N/A
Gender Female
Birthday December 17, 1997
True Age 21
Turned Age 21
Sire Nicchia
Renown None
Location Naples, Italy
Origin Paris, France
Orientation Bisexual
Ethnicity French
Status Dead, Vampire
Power Tracking
Theme link song


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris. Cras sollicitudin eleifend tortor, et congue nulla finibus a. Suspendisse ullamcorper suscipit nulla at mattis. Vivamus commodo, magna ac pulvinar iaculis, lectus dui posuere elit, in finibus urna turpis eget arcu. Morbi auctor sapien non nulla vestibulum, eget malesuada leo condimentum. Integer blandit augue neque. Praesent sit amet mi nec felis sodales blandit sed fringilla massa. Proin consectetur consequat urna, ac pulvinar nisl tempor consequat.


  • history, museums, archaeology
  • period romance movies and tv
  • school, learning, intellectual debates
  • travel, cycling, hiking, digs


  • italian summers, sticky heat
  • dieting, bad junk food habits
  • being bored, wasting time
  • partying culture, clubbing




dcx5xq6-c083beac-acac-4a22-82f2-f0663897 Devan is pretty average in most ways. At five foot seven (ish) inches, she's only an inch or so taller than the average French woman, and her weight and build fluctuates between average, athletic, and "needs to lose five pounds." Devan's widest point is her hips, leaving her forever upset about being so pear-shaped and not having a little more cleavage to balance herself out. Though she doesn't really go to the gym, Devan does exercise, in the form of cycling, which is her preferred method of travel no matter what terrain she's in and how difficult or dangerous cycling may be. Because of this, she does tend to have thicker thighs--muscular, but with a soft layer over them that she never seems able to lose--but also doesn't put that much effort into losing it, either. Her skin is a warm, tan color, naturally, and like her parents, she is mixed, but ambiguous race. When she becomes a vampire, her skin loses some of its natural warmth, but she retains her tan skin tone.

Most of her life, Devan has had long hair, encouraged by her mother to keep her hair a long, pretty length, because it's more feminine. Devan typically keeps it about chest-length, feeling like any longer than that and it will drive her mad. She tends to keep it tied out of her face one way or another as well, typically in buns, ponytails, or braids, and the latter especially once she starts dating Jacques. Her hair is thick and almost fluffy, and can be hard to tame, and Devan feels as though she has more important things to do with her time than to constantly baby her hair into being pleasant. After she and Jacques break up, Devan cuts her hair, leaving it just too short to brush her shoulders. It is technically no more manageable short, but Devan feels like it gets in her face less.

Although she doesn't consider herself particularly feminine, Devan does usually wear a little make up if she's leaving the house. A red lip is pretty iconic for her, and most of her lipsticks fall in some sort of shade of red. Aside from lipstick, she only really bothers with mascara, blush, and if she's feeling lucky, eyeliner. Her eyebrows are thick, and pretty much devoid of any arch, but Devan is too lazy to shape them, just doing the bare minimum to maintain them so they don't look too rough. She has a round face, another thing that once irritated her that she has sort of given up caring about. Her favorite aspect about herself on the other hand, are either her full lips, or her eyes. With sectoral heterochromia, Devan doesn't just have green eyes; her left eye also has a section of brown in the bottom with flecks in the rest of her eye. When she was young, of course, she used to hate it for making her different, but as a teenager, she felt like it made her stand out and look unique. Once she becomes a vampire, her eyes turn red, while the part that was brown turns golden. Although Devan doesn't know how she feels about having red eyes now, she does think the flecks of gold look quite pretty.

Confidence has never been Devan's forte, not really seeing herself as a pretty girl, although she doesn't really see herself as ugly, either--just average. She doesn't tend to dress up for similar reasons, and a typical outfit from Devan, especially once she's a vampire and temperature doesn't bother her anymore, are short, denim shorts, and tank tops or comfortable tees. On rare occasions or when the situation, like a date, calls for it, she will wear sundresses, but she doesn't like getting more dressed up than that. As a student of archaeology, Devan often goes on digs, and she tends to dress like she's on a dig all the time. She doesn't really like owning expensive clothes, not seeing the point in owning something that could set her back so badly if it got ruined.


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Physical Age 21
Height 5'7
Build average
Eye Color red, formerly green with dark red/brown sectoral heterochromia
Hair Color ash brown


Skill one

Skill two

Skill three

Skill four


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris. Cras sollicitudin eleifend tortor, et congue nulla finibus a. Suspendisse ullamcorper suscipit nulla at mattis. Vivamus commodo, magna ac pulvinar iaculis, lectus dui posuere elit, in finibus urna turpis eget arcu. Morbi auctor sapien non nulla vestibulum, eget malesuada leo condimentum. Integer blandit augue neque. Praesent sit amet mi nec felis sodales blandit sed fringilla massa. Proin consectetur consequat urna, ac pulvinar nisl tempor consequat. Nam sagittis dolor quis lectus blandit rutrum. Vestibulum interdum porta sem nec pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris. Cras sollicitudin eleifend tortor, et congue nulla finibus a. Suspendisse ullamcorper suscipit nulla at mattis. Vivamus commodo, magna ac pulvinar iaculis, lectus dui posuere elit, in finibus urna turpis eget arcu. Morbi auctor sapien non nulla vestibulum, eget malesuada leo condimentum. Integer blandit augue neque. Praesent sit amet mi nec felis sodales blandit sed fringilla massa. Proin consectetur consequat urna, ac pulvinar nisl tempor consequat. Nam sagittis dolor quis lectus blandit rutrum. Vestibulum interdum porta sem nec pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris. Cras sollicitudin eleifend tortor, et congue nulla finibus a. Suspendisse ullamcorper suscipit nulla at mattis. Vivamus commodo, magna ac pulvinar iaculis, lectus dui posuere elit, in finibus urna turpis eget arcu. Morbi auctor sapien non nulla vestibulum, eget malesuada leo condimentum. Integer blandit augue neque. Praesent sit amet mi nec felis sodales blandit sed fringilla massa. Proin consectetur consequat urna, ac pulvinar nisl tempor consequat. Nam sagittis dolor quis lectus blandit rutrum. Vestibulum interdum porta sem nec pellentesque.


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[ Relationship ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris.



[ Relationship ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris.



[ Relationship ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris.



[ Relationship ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sagittis eget risus eu fermentum. Sed leo mi, luctus vitae porttitor et, viverra ut lacus. Mauris bibendum, risus in efficitur dignissim, sapien enim pulvinar dui, a gravida elit lorem sit amet velit. Suspendisse et malesuada magna, mollis fringilla mauris.