


2 years, 7 months ago




The Nacroleptic Genius

"Look, I don't really care about any of the details right now; just wake me up when you need me."

Ancients Association
PMD: World Tour
Uncontrollable Sleep
Lead Branch "Sakura"
Drowsy Prodigy
Neutral Good

Roya is one of the youngest members of the Ancients Association that is stationed as a member of a Lead Branch. Her ability to read and ingest information quickly and remember every single detail without any lapse is incredible for one that isn’t a psychic type, and that did not go unnoticed.

When combined with her X-Ray vision as a Luxray, she can not only quickly and safely uncover artifacts but also understand their meaning and distinguish between forgeries and the real deal with incredible speed.

However, Roya has a sleep disorder; she sleeps an excessive number of hours (16 – 18 per day) staggered through periodic napping, and seemingly has little control over it. When she is awake, expect her to be extremely capable and witty, yet also sarcastic and impatient with others.

There seems to be a hidden soft side to her that the Professor alludes to when talking with those that meet her, but it's buried underneath constant fatigue and her status as a prodigy. "There's more to her that means the eye," he would say, "She does, after all, have a name."

Likes Dislikes Abilities Traits

  • Writing Novels
  • Hot Weather
  • Science
  • Board Games
  • Spicy Foods
  • Talkative People
  • Being Overworked
  • Willful Ignorance
  • Busywork
  • Her own habits
  • X-Ray Vision
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk
  • Wild Charge
  • Discharge
  • Sharp-Tongued (Façade)
  • Competitive (Façade)
  • Analytical
  • Cuddly (True Self)
  • Relaxed (True Self)
  • Ghaspius and Roya are actually found siblings (not biological, but consider each other as such). Both did not know who their parents were, but grew up together as orphaned children under the guidance of the Sun Tribe.

Although Ghaspius was the older sibling, Roya was the one who was found to the stronger and more cunning of the two, at least in terms of how quickly they picked up on combat and studies. Because of this, Roya received far more notoriety both within and outside the tribe, and soon she was recruited by an Ancients Association member who was residing in the Kingdom of Mayfil.

As the two grew up, what was once a habit of napping for Roya became full on stress-induced narcolepsy, as the pressures from those around her to succeed, excel, and utilize her "gifted" abilities became overwhelming. Soon, she found that she was doing things not out of her own desires, but because she was good at it. It was all she knew, and it got the approval from mentor figures that the pair never truly had without parents.

For Ghapsius, his absent-mindedness and selective attentiveness made him unsuitable for high-intensity, regimented combat. When he tried to study many of the books from the kingdom like Roya did, he just found himself bored. He liked cherry picking some topics here and there (to which he became incredibly good at - alchemy and medicine especially), while his mind wandered off on everything else.

However, since he was the "older sibling" to Roya, he often garnered a lot of unsupportive or downright damning comments. The thing the tribe valued - disciplined strength - and the thing that the kingdom valued - scholarly knowledge - were neither prospects he was interested in refining. It frustrated those around him, but he simply shrugged. They weren't the Pokémon he cared about getting approval from - his sister was. He was going to pursue what he liked. More than anything, he just wanted to see his sister happy and successful, and he was so proud of her for moving up in the world so quickly.

Even so, Roya's narcolepsy was concerning to Ghaspius. He saw her less and less often over time, and she would often seem constantly exhausted. He felt like he was losing his sister, and when she left off to go with the Ancients Association, that's when he decided to pack up and leave, too. He was going to create a cure - not just for the narcolepsy, but a true panacea. He was going to reawaken her true, resolute and vigorous self, and ensure that no one else has to has to lose themselves to something out of their control.

Roya, meanwhile, found herself in a job that, while mentally stimulating, was certainly not something she enjoyed. She often only worked 4-6 hours in a day total across multiple sleep periods, but what she did she absolutely excelled at. Whether it was performing research, examining artifact details and cross-referencing previous findings to make new discoveries, or even in the mathematical calculations - she was accurate and quick. Of course, this only set the precedent for her getting more of that.

She found herself in a situation where she just didn't like waking up all that much anymore, but she had no idea what she would do other than this. She wasn't entirely sure if she would be able to handle something she liked but wasn't immediately good at. She didn't even know what she liked. And so, her sleep cycles ever-worsened, but the pay & position in her job and respect from her colleagues kept getting better, she supposed.


Ghaspius: "Big bro is one of the only guys I can respect these days. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, he just does his thing when he feels like it. Man, wish I could be more like him sometimes. ...Wait, what do you mean he has a kid now?"

Professor Gardevoir: "He's a day-bird so I don't see 'em much. He's pretty nice, though. A bit spineless at times if you ask me."

Cherrim: "...How is this lady my boss? Seriously, it feels like she snorts a line of sugar every morning with how energetic she is. Whatever. At least I can rely on her when things get dicey. She can keep up with me too, I'll admit."

Elgyem: "Here's a guy I respect. If he can deal with being Cherrim's shadow 24/7 as her translator, he's tough in my book. Just wish he'd talk a bit more on his own. He seems like he's pretty interesting dude."

profile html by Hukiolukio profile idea by BigBreaker