Erick Vissio



2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


8 heads (around 6'0)


58 (human years)




Erick is a resident of the Circle kingdom, he owns, runs and lives in a pawn shop called “Vice pawn shop” with his family. He is considered a criminal due to the real business he runs: selling Energy weapons, which are illegal. He and his pawn shop are well known due to the fact that he supposedly invented teleportation. He asked his wife to turn him into a robot so he could “witness how future generations will praise him for changing the world forever”. Sometimes, he sends his two nephews to steal and do things for him.


Erick is, and has always been, a shady, malicious and egocentric person, with little to no empathy for others, and only does things for others if it benefits him somehow. Despite all of this, he has a “toxic charisma” that somehow makes other people like him. He is a big fan of chaos and catchy music.

Relationships with other characters:

Lupa: Erick’s nephew. Erick sees Lupa as an employee that happened to be part of his family, because of this he has some consideration with him however, and likes him a little bit.

Puko: Erick’s niece. Erick likes Puko’s better than Lupa because she “doesn’t complain as much”.  They share a love for chaos and he finds some of Puko’s pranks funny, so he likes to have her around.

Thomasine: Erick’s wife. Erick actually likes and cares about Thomasine, but only he knows if it’s only because of her inventions. They get along pretty alright.

Thomas: Erick’s son. He likes him, simply because he is his son. He wants him to run the pawn shop when he grows up.

Earl: As he is the man who is constantly trying to catch him and his family, he doesn’t like him very much. He finds the technology he owns interesting, however.




- Erick’s robotic form supposedly resembles his previous human form.  

- A lot of things that he sells in his pawn shop are actually stolen.

-He really likes money.

-The smiley face in his head is a sticker put by Thomasine so he “shows people that he is actually a nice guy”.

-Erick likes to clean, and usually puts on a maid apron when doing this. According to him, “it’s supposed to be ironic”.

-He is the reason Thomas is so quiet, as he told him to “never speak a word of what his family does.”, he took the never speak a word part too literal.