Thomas Vissio



2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Four heads (around 3’4)






Thomas is a resident of the Circle kingdom, he lives with his family in a pawn shop called “Vice pawn shop”. He attends school and is in 4th grade. His family are considered criminals due to their real business: selling Energy weapons, which are illegal. He is not usually involved in what his family does, and just stays in the pawn shop doing homework, drawing or reading comics.  


Thomas is a very silent person. He almost never speaks and mostly communicates through nods and head shakes. His real personality is a complete mystery because of this, but he does love his family, and will try to help them if it’s needed. He has a weird habit of staring directly into someone without saying anything, which usually creeps people out.

Relationships with other characters:

Lupa: Thomas’s cousin. He likes him and usually asks him for help in his homework and goes to him when he needs advices. Overall, Lupa is a person he looks up to.

Puko: Thomas’s cousin. He likes to have her around, but doesn’t really understand what she is saying most of the time.   

Erick: Thomas’s father. Thomas respects him because he is his father, but he is slightly scared of him as well. He is the reason Thomas is so quiet, as he told him to “never speak a word of what his family does.”, he took the never speak a word part too literal.

Thomasine: Thomas’s mother. She likes her, and knows he can go with her whenever he might need it. But just like with Puko, he doesn’t understand what she is saying most of the time.   

Earl: He prefers to ignore he exists.


If anything, he is living his backstory right now.


-  Thomas likes to read superhero comics, he also likes to draw what he sees on those comics.

- He tends to hide behind the pawn shop counters.

-He doesn’t have many friends at school, mostly because he is quiet, but he does get along with his classmates.