PKMN Farmer Arlo Rhodes



9 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Arlo Rhodes






Straight / ???


Traveling Berry Farmer


Unknown at this time

Home Region



He is a expert Berry farmer.

The peculiar thing about Arlo is that he actually grows on the go! He rolls around the pokemon regions collecting new and various berries to produce right in his RV-truck. He actually has his whole green house right in his truck where he works and sleeps. He's an extremely down to earth kind of guy and loves nothing more than just being outside in the sunshine smelling the flowers.

While he his not a pokemon trainer, he does absolutely adore pokemon. In fact he's gathered his own team just to help him with his berry farming process and gathering. They are not only his pokemon but his family. It's hard being away from home all the time, so he makes love and friendships where ever he goes. His team consists of...

Fearow; Arrow, his very first pokemon. One of his most beloved friends. This pokemon helps him gather rare and hard to reach berries, it's long beak is a wonderful tool. Not to mention now that he's evolved he can even carry Arlo on his back for cliff side picking.

Pelipper; Porter is another wonderful berry gathering pokemon for Arlo. With it's massive bill it can carry whole bushels of berries it finds. And if they were to ever get stranded somewhere it happily carries back water to help keep the plants hydrated with his bucket-like bill.

Taillow; Peach is the newer to the group and has taken the role as baby of the group. She adores Arlo and clings to him every moment she's out of her pokeball. She will do almost anything to please him - except stop being jealous of anyone getting to friendly with her trainer. She is an extreme cuddle-bird for Arlo, he really doesn't seem to mind at all.

Tropius; Miles, he is the newest pokemon to the team. He's actually quite a goof ball, he struts around and knocks things over intentional or not. He hasn't quite warmed up to Arlo just yet, but they're still working on it. Arlo thought this pokemon would make an exceptional team member since they usually make for great fruit-finders. It even grows fruit right on it's person!

Pinsir; Cutler is not exactly the friendliest pokemon that Arlo owns. But he seems to have some sort of respect for Arlo for whatever reason. He does as instructed and uses his giant claws to chop and cut through heavy foliage and forest materials to help the truck get through the more jungle like parts. Arlo does a lot of off-roding travel so this pokemon has really helped him out in a number of occasions.

Beautifly; Amber is one of the very first pokemon to join up with Arlo. She is a bit shy and likes to float and hide from others except for Arlo. She helps him with the flowering berries and pollinates the ones that need extra help. With Arlo and Amber together they make a fantastic growing team.