Soulfish (Species)



2 years, 7 months ago


Species: Soulfish

Pronunciation: soul (as in human soul) fish (as in the ocean). Plural is also Soulfish!

designation Closed Species
Basic Concept Emotions/bonds/. . .fish
acquisition Sales, Trades, MYO, ocasional freebies
Discord The Home Plane
Masterlist PENDING

Soulfish are large eyed, semi-tangable creatures shaped like Prince Ruperts Drops with fabric like pectoral fins; metallic collars, chain like tails, and spherical gems at the ends of said tails. Soulfish absorb emotional energy by touching their tail gems to other creatures and objects that give of their particular taste in emotions.

The discord server is still in the worck but it's getting there!

All MYO/redesigned Soulfish must be approved by me before use!

Soulfish are a closed species! You may not design your own unless you obtain a MYO from me. Otherwise, all Soufish are officially obtained via sales, raffles, gatchas, and, at times; trades with the creator. You may create non-commercial content of your soulfish including art, writing, videos, plushies, etc. However, you must credit me as the creator of the species for any work shared publicly/with others.

Toyhouse Profile: Once a TH profile for an Soulfish is made, it will count as "official." I must be credited as the creator. If it was a MYO Soulfish you designed yourself, add yourself as a designer. Do not delete the profile; it must be used for any transfers.

If, by any means, the TH or the official art is removed from the species TH page (this one), the Soulfish will become invalid/no longer official. Please do not remove the artwork/delete a Soulfishs TH without discussing with Me.

Commissions: You may do commissions or commission others for work of your Soulfish, but you may not sell physical merchandise without express permission from me. Any one-off physical goods for yourself are fine - if you are getting a print or merch that uses art not made by you, make sure to get the permission of the creator first.

Transfers: You may gift, trade or resell a Soulfish for no more than the original price + commission/paid work. I'd prefer you inform me about trades/resales, and the transfer must be made using a profile on Toyhouse. If you or the recipient does not have a Toyhouse account, the Soulfish cannot be transferred - but you may let me know if you wish to have a TH invite. The recipient has the choice of keeping the redesign if the Soulfish has one, in which no notification is necessary. However, if you wish to revert a redesigned Soulfish back to the original, please notify me!

Porting OCs: A Soulfish can be used as an "AU" (alternate universe) of an existing OC. If a Closed Species (or species in general) doesn't allow it, please respect those rules. However, Soulfishs cannot be used as an alternate form/shapeshift of an existing OC. This is to prevent unofficial designs being created and it would muddle with the lore.

If a shapeshifter takes a Soulfish-esque shape, do not refer to it as a Soulfish. Coincidence may occur, but purposefully doing it will result in a strike immediately.

Strike System: There is a strike system implemented within the group. Failing to obey the rules of: 1) The TOS, 2) The server rules, 3) Any Exploiting of rules will result in an immediate strike. A total of three strikes will result in being greylisted, which will be explained below. You are able to get the strikes removed by behaving and following the rules within a period (currently undetermined how long, but you will be informed in DMs or anywhere you are comfortable with private messages).

Greylisting is when an individual will be in a "limbo-like" state. Those on the greylist are unable to obtain Soulfish unless by purchasing from sales or from the creator only. Obtaining a Soulfish from another user will earn a single strike and not be allowed to obtain another Soulfish. You may still trade but you cannot receive a Soulfish.

You are able to get removed from the greylist similar to removing strikes, but it takes longer. No one will permanently be greylisted however.

Blacklisting means that someone will not be allowed to participate in the species, obtain more Soulfishs, nor be allowed in the server. This is a permanent ordeal and will be public when the time arises, along with reasoning as to why the individual has been placed on the list.

Personally, I do not enjoy the idea of blacklisting any users unless absolutely necessary.

"Fan Soulfishs": A fan created Soulfish is undoubtedly unofficial. As the creator, I aim to make Soulfish accessible to everyone. Free raffles, either in batches or events, and also events to obtain a Soulfish will be equal to auction/OTA Soulfishs within the species. This is so that individuals who cannot spare the money are still eligible to obtain a Soulfish by free means or trades, not involving money.

Please do not harass those who make a "fan Soulfish," but report to me. I will make it aware here that those who obtain/create a "fan Soulfish" will instantly be placed on the greylist and watched. I will not harass or question you, as conflict is not favorable. However, I will be disappointed.

IN THE EVENT A CHARACTER IS MADE AND LOOKS LIKE A SOULFISH, BUT IS NOT CALLED ONE, I HAVE NO ISSUES! Soulfish are a unique species and there's bound to be coincidences! So long as they are not addressed as a Soulfish, I personally don't have a problem. Please do not harass anyone who has a character who looks similar to the species. You will get a single strike. Failing to obey this will result in an automatic greylist, and potential blacklisting of the species.

You can redesign Soulfish freely, but they will need to be approved by me in order to become official. Even though the original isn't the design you'll use please DO NOT DELETE THE ORIGINAL IMAGE! You may create a new tab on the TH with [OLD DESIGN] as the label and store the old design there (and any artwork that went with it). The next person to have the soulfish will have the limits of the original design not the one you made so be mindful of that!!

You may:
- alter the markings, including a slight hue shift of the same color.
- The prefered emotion for their diet
- adjust the body to be the long or short type and add or subtract features with in my approval.
- change the personality, story, etc!

You cannot:
- change the colours entirely or add new colours with out Approval.
- change the material of the chain or collar to a non metallic material.
- Make the eye and gem colours overtly different (shading may differ but base colour must be the same).
- (unfinished feature) you can not give Soulfish features of their adult forms [extra collars and tails, mouths, hands, ect], you must finish the evolution quests to add these features!
- evolve a soulfish into a Nightmare/Dreamcatcher WITHOUT Approval! You must inform me that you are embarking on the respective quest before you start!

While it is not a formal requirement, I ask that you do not change the entirety of your soulfish in a redesign, particularly those with certain aesthetic themes. If the redesign looks to be significantly changing the essence, I may ask you to reconsider.

You may use the following form when applying for redesign approval, which can be sent in the Discord or directly to me:

Original Soulfish link/reference: (link an image or profile)

Original traits: (if any, can remove unneeded sections or just say "none")
Name all that apply:

New traits: (if any, can remove unneeded sections or just say "none")

Image: (Image of the redesign. You may edit the original image {Please note if you plan to use the original image to save a copy of the original and the redesign seperately in case someone wishes to revert the design.} or draw from scratch. If you draw from scratch, I ask that it be somewhat clean, at least without sketch lines, but it can be in any style, it can be rendered or flat, and it can have a background or not.)

If you complete the "boogeymin" quest you may give your soulfish an extra form! Soulfish are only allowed one extra form from the apporved form list unless discussed and agreed upon with me! Be warned that Evolving your Soulfish will mean the loss of this extra form and the need to complete the Nightmare/Dreamcatchers equivelent quest! I will supply an "easier" quest for the evolutions if your soulfish had an extra form but it is still doing it twice! ALSO you must keep both of the designs together! If you separate the extra form and the Soulfish, you will be given an immediate strike.

You must have:
- resemblance to the Soulfish itself
- The chain, gem, and collar visible.
- Approved forms only.
- clear presence of some traits, such as horns/scales/fur

You cannot:
- give them the form of another Closed Species.
- more traits (if your Soulfish doesn't have horns, you cannot give horns to the extra form if it wouldn't normally have it, exp. non horned Soulfish having a horned human form.)

And of course, please provide the image. I ask that it be somewhat clean, at least without sketch lines, but it can be in any style, it can be rendered or flat, and it can have a background or not. You can check in with me with this form and a sketch/WIP as well.

If you post it on the TH, I'll be sure to keep tabs on which has an extra form.

You can acquire a Soulfish via batch sales,raffles, or trades with the owner (me, look for the eyecon). If MYO slots are released, that is another way to acquire, but that will be very rare cases. Batches are released in the Discord, some will be early claims, and posted onto Deviantart and Twitter.

Pricing corresponds to the different rarities:
Basic/Mutation Soulfish: Base price 5~10 USD.
Themed Soulfish: Base price 10~13 USD.
Boogymin/other quest Soulfish Base price ~20 USD.

Additional traits do not increase the value unless you paid for them.

MYO (make-your-own)

You are allowed to make your own Soulfish if there is an event of you acquire a MYO ticket (referred to as a MYO Egg). You may get approval by contacting me in the Approvals channel in the server. Contacting me on any other social media will not be the quickest way but you may. Generally, details will be on the posts for MYO events and MYO ticket sales, but generally, you can use this form:

Emotional Diet:
Base emotion: (whether they like to eat Positive, Negetive, or Neutral emotions) Favorite Emotion: (Can be as simple as sadness or as complicated as the sense of smallness you feel when looking at the sky, note picky Soulfish are thinner than ones that like more common emotions)

Gem/Eye colour and Chain/Collar material or colour: .

Type: long body or short body.

Proof: (proof of purchase of the MYO "Egg", even proof of trait purchases with either a link or screenshot.)

Will you upload onto TH?: (Yes/no. It is preferred to be on TH so it can be added to the official ML gallery on this profile, as there are no other ML registers at this time. If you need a key, please contact me.)

Basic: The basic is very much basic. No mutations or anything unusual is on the Soulfish. They resemble their Type and don't have anything else added.

Mutations: The mutations for a Soulfish slightly alter the basic anatomy for each Type. These do not have any magic related anomalies. The following are examples of mutations, though you are not limited to these. Some possibilities are fur instead of scales, horns, spike growths, extra limbs or eyes, and similar.
As long as the Soulfish is still recognizable to its Type you're free to experiment, though major changes will have me inquire for corrections.

Koi: Soulfish that have a resemblance to Koi fish are actually extremely rare and for now theres only one known Koi soulfish (owned by the creator of Gulus). Koi Soulfish are not allowed to be made from a normal MYO or a fish to be redesigned into one until further notice.

Soulfish are born from the pieces of our selves we lose as time goes on. Fragments of hope lost, shards of fears conquered, pieces cast aside or unwillingly lost or stolen, but just because they are fragmented doesn't mean they're not their own creatures. Most don't remember where they came from, and the few who do don't remember it clearly. Their hunger taking up to much of their mind to focus much on who and/or what they were. They carry with them their piece of a whole, solidified at the end of a chain that acts as their spine. Their large eyes showing a reflection of the piece they carry, and their collars showing their binding to a whole they haven't found. They hunger for emotions given off by whole creatures, the flecks of excess of big emotions, or the rare taste of obscure emotions. Soulfish are always hungry and use the fragment they carry to feed, a gentle tap is often all the time they need to get their fill though some take more than others when they eat.

Soulfishs share a common anatomy, though there's some alterations depending on the Type. Shaped like Prince Ruperts Drops, Soulfish are Semi-tangable creatures meaning that they can phase through objects and inorganic material but can be held and felt by living beings. The average Soulfish is gonna be between 1' and 2' head to tail base (The tail base is right before their tail chain starts so they'd look longer their tail chains make up about 1/3 of their total length), but they can range from 8" to sometimes as big as 6' before counting in their chains.

They have large eyes that take up a majority of their faces and they lack mouths and proper noses. They have fabric like pectoral fins that protrude from holes in their metallic collars. Said fins are light and flowey, but seem very sturdy and don't tear easily. Their metallic collars are always made of the same material as their tails chains and are commonly known metals, but anomalous metallic materials aren't super rare. At the end of their Tail chains are spherical gems which they use to feed off the emotions of living beings. This gem is their only known organ and they quickly die if the chain is severed. Damage to the gem takes much longer to heal than damage done to the chain or body of the soulfish but the gems are also very hard to damage in the first place.

Short bodied soulfish are the most common type, having mostly flat faces, simple fins, and pudgier bodies over all. Long bodies aren't as common, having more of a 'muzzle', bulkier claw like fins, wider collars, longer chains, and slightly larger gems as well as the titular longer body. Both body types are pictured below using Void_Gremlin 's Soulfish Littol.


Magic: Soulfish are somewhat limited in their use of magic but some individials have a knack for magic others don't. As a default they have a kind of "absorption" magic which they use to eat emotions, this ability can only be enhanced to eat larger portions of emotions and nothing more. Some soulfish can learn basic invisibility magic but this only effect their body and not their collars and chains until they become more adept in it. They can also learn some electricity based magics but it rarely is more than a startling shock to give them a chance to run from unwanted attention.

Levitation: Soulfish are not affected by gravity the same as most creatures and thus seem to levitate. They sometimes use their fins to push off objects in their surroundings to give them a little boost of speed but they can "swim" through air just fine.

Interstellar travel: There's is nothing stopping Soulfish from traveling in space as they are not necessarily tied to planets by gravity and they have no real respiratory system. The main hinderance is their food source. They have to have a consistent diet of emotions in order to survive, so if they tried to embark on their own they'd most likely starve long before they got near a new food source. If they follow another species into the cosmos, though, that solves most of their problems.

Dimensional travel: Soulfish are natural plane jumpers. From hatching they phase out of their own plane into one with emotional life and pop out on a world currently having a lunar eclipse then the barrier between worlds is thinnest and easiest for the fry to move through. Fully grown and Adult Soulfish can pass through plane boarders easily though and don't have to worry about lunar eclipses unless they just don't want to put in the extra effort to pass through.

Semi-tangibility: As mentioned in their description they are only partially tangible in any plane other than their own. They often don't interact with non living substances at all and pass right through them with no problem unless they wish to interact for some reason. Living creatures however can interact with soulfish like other things on their own plane meaning soulfish can be caught by living creatures, but cannot be caged or leashed unless these restraints are somehow living material.

Luminescence: Soulfish tail gems glow and flicker giving off light that can be seen even through magical darkness if the soulfish wishes it to. Soulfish can adjust how much their gems glow affect the plane they are on so they can have a very bright looking glow that doesn't pierce the shadows around them at all or have the glow be directional like a flashlight.

Emotional Diet: They directly eat emotions from living entities that produce them, this has the side effect of the entity that was fed on temporarily losing some or all of the ability to feel the emotion eaten. A creature who's fear was eaten by a soulfish would have a hard time judging if something was scary, or something who's joy was eaten would have a hard time having fun with activities they usually like. This effect is only temporary and should return after day.

Total consumption: Even though emotions usually return to creatures after a day, if too many soulfish feed off the same creature in that span of time theres a chance for the creature to lose the ability to feel any emotions at all. This effect isn't permenant but it will not wear-off on its own like normal. An outside force will have to intervene to spark emotions back into the creature and even then the emotions will feel distant and hard to distinguish for a while. When the creatures emotions fully return it can become easily overwhelmed by them until they become used to having them again.

Jingling: Though they don't have any proper way to communicate with other creatures their tails and tail gems can jingle, the chain sounding like the jingling of chains of course but the gem itself gently ringing like a bell. Some who have close bonds with Soulfish may be given "Soul names", or a specifically beautiful ring of the gem that only the person named can perceive. Due to it only being perceived by one person at a time no one knows if the Soulname is he same between muliple creatures or if the soulfish names each being its close to something different. Soul curses are similar but its the reverse. It is a ring given to a creature the soulfish specificly doesn't like or fears. The ring is an awful sound meant to warn those near by of the perceived threat with out alerting the threat itself.

First and foremost, Soulfishs do not reproduce or mate with one another. This will be touched up in the tab labeled "Adult forms" when thats done.

Egg stage:Soulfish "Eggs" are incubated in their original plane for an indeterminate amount of time. The eggs look like the gems on the end of a soulfish' tail with a thin metallic ring around it which becomes thicker as the egg gets closer to hatching. Soulfish don't hatch like normal fish by cracking open the egg, they pass through the egg catching the metallic ring which mostly bcomes their collar and any left over material turns into the chain connecting the fish to their "egg" which upon hatching becomes their feeding apparatus.

Fry: Directly upon hatching the fry search for thin spots between their plane and one with emotional creatures and push through into that plane. If they are too weak to push through they quickly starve, but due to still being on their own plane this just means they die and are pulled back into their "egg" where they are often picked up by one of the Adult forms to restart. Once in the next plane they pick what emotion they wish to eat and usually stick with their first choice for their entire pre-adult stage.

Pre-adults: Soulfish can live their entire existance in this phase as becoming their adult form takes a lot of energy and since becoming their adult forms is an open choice for this species most chose not to use up that kind of energy on it if they see no reason to. (wip info) The only exception to this is if they become a Nightmare, soulfish become nightmares through making pore choices during their fry and pre-adult phases and are forced into using up energy to become their stronger Nightmare form.

Rinse and repeat: Due to most soulfish spending their entire pre-adult phase absorbing emotional energy upon death, as long as their tail gems weren't irreparably damanged, they simpley start again in their Egg phase, using the extra energy left in their gems to start incubating again or if there was none wait for an adult to find them and start the process that way. Most soulfish lose their memories of their previous lives and thus even though they'd have the same gem and metal they can look and eat very differently than their past forms. This cycle will continue until either the gem is destroyed or they Become one of their Adult forms.

Adulthood (wip). Soulfish have 2 possible Adult forms, Dreamcatchers and Nightmares. They are currently a Work In Progress and will be announced at a later date.

Naturally, Soulfishs are a nomadic species. They explore and wander either alone or in small groups of 3-5, only settling in areas with consistently emotional life like big cities and drama filled small towns. They one very rare occasion settle with specific individuals either to feed off solely or just because they like that individuals company and occasionally make trips for other food. Most Soulfishs get along with one another naturally, though there are still different natures between them. some
Amongst other species, Soulfishs are naturally curious. They will engage in playful activities or watch from afar, typically, and are generally fond of pranks as well.

Communication wise, Soulfish have no way or truely comunicating with other species verbally and only have their jingling to comunicate; which greatly limits them if the creature is deaf. With a lot of effort some soulfish can be trained to flash their gems in morse code but since the flashing is also mood based it makes it a very unreliable means of communicating. The only proper way to "talk" to a soulfish is telepathically which can be a bit strange due to the strength of the emotions they eat interfearing with the emotions they themselves have. A soulfish may "say" something very happy but due to having a diet of anger could telepathically read as totally pissed off. it takes a lot of practice to push the initial emotions aside to get to the more faint true emotions of a soulfish.

For most Soulfishs amongst one another, they're friendly. They will play and pull pranks.


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