EMI !! 🐏



2 years, 7 months ago


come nap with me
name emi
age "isnt it rude to ask that?"
gender female
pronouns she/her
species sheep-cat
orientation unlabeled
Demeanor friendly

code jiko


emi is a rambunctious cat that will often come up with sarcastic jokes and come backs, although she loves to tease her friends she also can be very friendly and kind. she loves physical touch and will smother you with affection when given the chance if she likes you. she really likes talking about her interests and if you actually listen to her she will appreciate that so much more than you know. emi is a hopeless romantic, and although she can seem a little confident around her crush, she also can get flustered way too easily.

swimming, food, sleep, goats, friends, alone time, teal, sea green, lemon demon, snakes, nature, alt stuff, fluffy hair, liminal spaces, plushies.
potatos, super loud people, selfish people, know it alls, loud crowdy places, super sunny days , mosquitos, being told what to do, those who talk doen her intrests, country songs, toxic people, dresses, hot weather, allergies.

Polite Sassy

Cautious Impulsive

Social Reserved

Intelligence Ignorant

Emotional Rational

Productive Lazy

emi is kind and patient to her friends for the most part, if she shares her food with you she loves you, but will also definitely steal your food too (with consent of course)

she can be super clingy if she likes you, often she'll try not to show it, but there are brief moments where it breaks and she just completely clings with affection. emi is really sensitive even if she doesn't show it, shes one of those people that cry when they get really angry, and cant stand being yelled at.

Design Notes
  • above her paws are very fluffy, she has more floof on her back legs too
  • longer ears than regular cats
  • goat like horns rest on the top of her head
  • her favorite colors are teal and sea green
  • her favorite bands are lemon demon and lovejoy(formally tΓΈp)
  • if u listen to her babble about her interests she'll love you forever

Music Box
i want you to write it down.
it's not you it's me why i keep coming around