09. Uranami Sanyu



2 years, 6 months ago



Name Uranami Sanyu
Called Sanyu
Age 17 [1260] | 20 [1263]
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Shinobi
Jobs N / A
Height 6’1” (185.42 cm) [1263]
Chakra Nature Water | Suiton
Rank Genin
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex.


  • Fishing
  • Telling stories to her younger brother
  • Seashells
  • Tea
  • Listening to the ocean/sea
  • Weaving


  • Really humid temperatures
  • Thunderstorms
  • House pets and other animals (finds them to be rather stinky and gross)
  • Fireworks and loud noises like it
  • People being disrespectful


Uranami Sanyu is the oldest between her and her younger brother. She spent a lot of her youth leaning into the traditionalist mindset of her clan. Her parents led her to believe that the old ways of the clan were the “better” ways. She always believed her parents were right in their ways and grew to admire the ideas they shared as well as the old stories and tales. She reveled in all her parents told her and even romanticized some of the stories as well. From tragic heroes to enlightened leaders – all of it fascinated her. She was also brought up into the political landscape her clan faced as well and they shaped many of the opinions she continues to hold. When she was 10, her younger brother was born and she was excited to share the stories she grew up hearing with him.

Because of her upbringing, Sanyu placed a higher sense of duty towards her clan rather than her village. The village supplemented her career path as a shinobi and taught her everything she needed to know about being a successful one. Useful to fulfill her needs while she tried to find ways to support her clan. Her parent’s hardline view did mold her views on the Founding Clans to be very skewed. She looks at the Kitsune and Asukai with the same disdain she grew hear about from the stories she was told. To her, the Kitsune and Asukai are one insult away from throwing the village into some sort of turmoil. To her, some wrongs are unforgivable and should be repaid – blood for blood. She knows that the world isn’t as black and white as she would like to believe. Sometimes you have to team up with unlikely allies to complete difficult missions or tasks.

Her ideas and staunch beliefs wavered slightly after the death of Tarou Kitsune – the Fourth Akarikage. It wasn’t specifically because of his death but rather the uncertainty that followed it. The unsettling tension of his next successor and the wondering about the tumultuous relationship between the Uranami and the village. They grieved for his passing, like the rest of the village, but she couldn’t help but wonder if this meant that one of the Founding Clans would take advantage of the power vacuum. So she looked inward and knew she wanted to strengthen herself – in case the time to defend her clan ever came.

During her “soul searching”, Sanyu went off on her own. She had become old enough to start looking after herself. So she built her own hut and gave back what she could to her people. Although it’s small and only has room for her at the moment, she looks forward to expanding it. When she’s not training, she’s fishing or helping out her clan with whatever they need. Making fishnets, weaving baskets, helping with hauls and whatever else she could do to contribute. Every now and then, her younger brother helps her as well. Despite the jarring age gap, they’re very close. Sanyu’s always telling him stories she grew up hearing from their parents and often looks after him whenever they’re out. He stayed over so often, she decided to make room for him in her own home. Her brother gives her the inspiration to do what she can for her people. Both to fight for her clan and preserve their traditions.


Sanyu is a very matter of fact person and is too busy trying to further her clan’s needs over her own. She wholeheartedly believes her clan is the only thing that matters in comparison to everything else around her. If someone she knows within it is upset, then she’s upset. If they’re overjoyed, she is too. She has a tendency to look down on the other clans, especially the Founding Clans. Finding it hard to reconcile with them because of what they did in the past. What if they were to do it again when everyone’s left their guard down? You can never be too prepared for outcomes like that.

She is also a very serious person. There are times when she does mess around but she’s usually always acting as if she has a stick up her butt. She also occasionally pulls it out as a weapon to bonk people too. She’s just a busybody and has a hard time catching onto insinuations or jokes. Sarcasm also goes over her head as well. She just wants to live up to the ideals of her clan – to be an example among her peers. If that means she’s gotta fish some dinner for her friends, then she will. If she has to put up with Kitsune and Asukai, she’s begrudgingly deal with it.

Sanyu is a traditionalist within her clan. She was raised to uphold the old tales, ideals, and goals of those before her. Her parents greatly influenced her mindset and headstrong nature towards the Uranami. They were very involved in the comings and goings around the clan. She took a particular interest in the political nature between the Uranami and Tōrōgakure. As she grew older, her interest only grew and so did her stubborn nature to try and find beneficial ways to aid her clan.



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