


Quickthinker is the oldest daughter of Cometcaller and Epiphany. She is 47 years of age.

Unlike her younger sisters, she knows her mother has two other children with a different mate, as she was not always mates with Cometcaller, and infidelity was an issue they had run into a couple of times as the childhood she remembered was extremely troublesome and rocky. Her father was gone more often than home, He'd be gone days to weeks at a time, and her mother's friend would visit during these gaps in time. He was not a Nightwing.

She didn't give much attention to her parents' troubles, not caring. She did not give any care for her mother's children with the other male, and she gave almost as little care for her full siblings. Her mindset was that they would learn on their own, and she wasn't to be burdened with a Nightwing who was visible in the night, and a runt who was too scared to speak. Prophet and Divinity meant little to nothing to her. Even with how close they all were in age.

As soon as she was old enough to leave home, she did, never looking back. She didn't need her family, especially when her mother gave all attention to all the other children she had and not the warrior. She only returns to her family home once every few years to check in on their father

Sisters: Prophet and Divinity.

Mother: Epiphany

Father: Cometcaller