



Meet Hippocampus, the only daughter out of Seahorse's original 4 children.
Her father calls her Hip or Cami a lot.

She is in her early twenties and is an animus.

Hippocampus has a mate, a male named Obsidian.
So far they do not have children.

She was born in late January on the 28th.

She has six siblings, two unhatched and four brothers:

Her personality can be described as optimistic, happy, kind, loyal, and soft-spoken. She will speak up if she feels something is wrong and is quite stubborn once she's made up her mind about something. She is also very patient and hard to anger, though she will show irritation.

Hippocampus enjoys the company of others, art, music, and anything shiny, especially jewels and pearls. Pearls are her favorite though. She also loves seashells.

 Born and raised away from the seawing kingdom, she knew very few others outside of her family.
Growing up an animus without a proper teacher, she had a hard time learning to control her power but eventually figured out a way to. Once she figured it out, she excelled in enchanting items and small constructive magics. More often than not, she doesn't use her magic as her father told her there used to be a Seawing prince who went mad a long time ago because he was an animus who pushed his powers too far, and that now animus magic was being used for bad things where he came from.
This is why her father kept her hidden away from the Seawing kingdom. Out of fear of her being taken and used in the Sandwing War of Succession as a weapon.

Hippocampus didn't mind being hidden away, she would sneak out when her parents and siblings were asleep and go gather trinkets and shells from the beach. This is also how she met her handsome mate, Obsidian. After a while of knowing him, she learned of his curse. She made him an enchanted trinket, a nose ring. It couldn't negate the curse completely, but it helped him be able to go underwater for long periods of time. She even helped make a special home for him that has underwater tunnels and the like to get in and out while the main cave sits above the water.