


2 years, 10 months ago



The Honest King


"I'll save this damn country myself! Without you! Without anyone!"

NAME Xiong Shan
ALIAS Ursa | Red/Bear
AGE 24
BIRTHDAY October 30
GENDER Male (He/Him)

Xiong is the main antagonist of the main story, the main protagonist of the sequel and an side character in the third and last story. He is the king of Nisien and the one who libarated the country from their old tyrant's rule. He is a long sword user but is also well versed in hand to hand combat.Xiong's outlook in life changes twice during his time in the stories. He goes from pessimistic to negative nihilistic to realist. This is due to Rou, his current partner. He is a Scorpio and he has BPD and PTSD. His alignment is Chaotic Good.



Xiong is normally quiet but when provoked he tends to “go off”. He doesn't handle high-stress situations well and tends to want to find someone/something to shift the blame to so he has a place where to put his anger. He does his own thing, though he won't tell people not to join him. He likes to seem like he knows what he's doing, most of the time that is not the case. When others are crying or having intense emotions he doesn't know what to do, in the end he really is just as confused as the others are. He tries his best to comfort the other person but that is not his strong suit.His neutral expression is a serious one and his go to emotion is anger. He is learning to control it.


  • Sugar
  • Being Right
  • Weightlifting
  • Soft Things
  • Rou


  • People
  • Cars
  • Jokes about Mothers
  • Swimming
  • Smoking



Xiong’s early childhood was great. Raised in China in a relatively well off family, his mother and father were very loving and adoring. Xiong was especially fond of his mother who did everything with him. Biyu, his mother, raised him to be a sugar loving sweet boy with lots of kindness and a good sense of responsibility. However his later childhood was full of tragedy and his perfect family, his mother, father and sister, all fell apart.

One day while Guiren, his father, was taking care of Xifeng, his sister, Biyu was driving Xiong from one place to another, he was happy to be spending time alone with his mother without his crying baby sister. However that did not last as he and Biyu got into a car accident which left Xiong relatively unscaved with only a scar on his chin but killed Biyu. As he waited for the ambulance to arrive he tried lifting the car off of his mother but it was too heavy for him, a 10 year old, to lift. Dragged away from her dying body, Xiong changed. He turned into an angry, frustrated, and depressed child. He put all his energy into training and weightlifting, to get stronger so never feels powerless ever again. A couple of months after the incident, Guiren decides to move to the United States where Xiong then meets Sinclair. Sinclair becomes his best friend and explains that he’s here for a program that he was scouted for by a man named Daniel who is studying oddities in the world as well as parallel universes. Sinclair introduces Xiong to Daniel and then he joins the team by surprising Daniel with his incredible newfound strength. He spends 3 years training under Daniel and with his new team. They grow to work together incredibly well and become a new family that Xiong is determined to not let fall apart.

Xiong regrets a lot of his childhood, he feels like there was a lot he could’ve done differently. He does not look back on it fondly although he has moments he remembers that are good.


Xiong’s teenage years are immensely eventful, a lot happens for him during this time and he has very mixed feelings about it. At the age of 13, his team had become ready to travel to “the other world”. Xiong, along with his teammates Sinclair, Hasaf, Gianni, Korain and Artyom the team leader, went through the portal that led directly to Nisien. They land in the backyard of Vytis Vilkas, their guide and Nisien denizen. When they arrive they begin to explore and learn the language, they damage their equipment which then sends the signal to the team back home that they are dead, they meet Galehaut and Gamsiz, he learns of the treatment of the people here in nisien, he decides to join the revolution against king Ashur, xiong and his team then rise through the ranks of the resistance as they take action more than others, they begin to call Xiong “Ursa” as a nickname as he begins to become more famous among the people. He meets Rou who he immediately falls in love with, however he has to leave him to continue the fight against Ashur. He then meets Jaidar who agrees to help them against the brightreavers and Ashur. Jaidar gifts Xiong a sword which will not melt against Ashur’s heat. They together fight and kill the brightreavers and King Ashur. Xiong being 17 is not allowed to take the throne right away. During the Vacuum time, Naal, Galehaut’s father and ruler of the neighboring country of Caoimhghin, takes Xiong to the World Leaders meeting in which Naal vouches for him as a worthy leader. Xiong at first is apprehensive of this and does not want to be King but then takes on the responsibility after a talk with Artyom. He becomes King the winter after turning 18.

Xiong does not have any regrets looking back, he enjoyed everything he did and he does not think he would change how it all turned out.


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