


2 years, 7 months ago



The Veteran


"I am devoted to you forever and always."

NAME Jaidar Almazan
ALIAS Jai, Reaver Almazan
AGE 41
BIRTHDAY August 23
SPECIES Tiefling
GENDER Male (He/Him)
OCCUPATION Personal Royal Guard

Jaidar or Jai, is a high ranking knight to the Nisienian forces and has no notable family to speak of. Jaidar shows up in the sequel to the main story as an important secondary character. He is Xiong's personal guard and trainer as well as former lover. He is a short sword user and a close quarters combat expert. He also does quite a bit of fencing and jousting. Jaidar's outlook on life is pretty negative but he tries his best to be a realist whenever possible. He is completely loyal to Xiong and will never devote any of his attention to anyone else. He is a Virgo and his alignment is Neutral Good. He has PTSD and Depression.



Jaidar is a serious and jaded man who takes orders very well. He is calm, collected, efficient and incredibly hard working. He is the definition of a perfect personal guard. Sometimes he does become excited during battle/training and cracks a smile. He also smiles when he believes someone does something cute. Jaidar is the most devoted man you will ever meet. He is not only loyal to a fault but he is incredibly helpful to those who deems as good people. He will do his best to do good but will not hesitate to do evil if the person he is devoted to asks him to. He will stick to someone even if that person has betrayed him so long as he still deems them as a good person. No matter what happens to him. He is subservient in nature and likes to please. He is not a people pleaser, more of a singular person pleaser.


  • Fencing
  • Borscht
  • Tournaments
  • Peaceful Villages
  • Horses


  • Ashur
  • Fire
  • Screaming
  • Cloudy Skies
  • Being Alone



Jaidar's childhood was pretty average. He had a mother, a father, and a younger sister. He was the oldest son. He got along with them very well especially his sister who was only a year younger. They did everything together.

When he was a child, Jaidar was as wild as any. However he had a good sense of responsibility, taking care of himself, his sister, and his parents. He began fencing very early on. He would watch professionals and copy their movements, until one day a knight saw him practicing and began to practice with him. At the age of 12 he had entered his first competition where he won every match. The knight who sponsored him was very proud and told him to foster those talents into something great and eventually one day join him in the army.

Jaidar looks back on his childhood fondly and does not have any regrets. His family, the knight, and fencing in general are all important to him. He would say he had a good childhood, and he did.


Jaidar's teenage years were eventful. The young man and his sister were still best friends and he still got along with his parents incredibly well. He continued to do everything with them, for him? This would never change.

Alongside fencing, when Jaidar became 13 he was allowed to work with the horses at the stables allowing him to practice jousting and horseback riding whenever he wanted. From then on he endered many competitions of both fencing and jousting, honing his skills and getting better and better. As well as practicing hand to hand combat with the knight who had taken an interest in him when he was a child. Eventually when he turned 17, he did exactly as the knight who had helped him had suggested and joined the army. He was pretty excited and naive but could hold his own as he had many skills that helped him become a great fighter. At the age of 19 he rose through the ranks and became an official knight for King Ashur.

Jaidar thinks his teenage years were average and he believes there are some embarrassing stories to be told of his times in the competitions where he lost. He wouldn't say he has any real regrets, except probably joining the army and leaving his family so young. He also regrets working for Ashur in general. However he does not regret joining the army completely.


In his 20's, Jaidar became part of Ashur's Brightreavers, a group of elite knights who carry out Ashur's personal orders. Incredibly proud of himself, he was recognized as a strong and competent fighter and incredibly loyal knight as well as a man who was worthy of the king's trust. Eventually, he became captain of the Brightreavers and was the one who personally spoke to Ashur. Everything was going well in his life. However, in his 30's, Ashur became a horrible tyrant obsessed with the expansion of Nisien and the need for war. Although Jaidar did not agree fully he carried out orders that were given to him. That all ended when Ashur himself burnt the Outer Villages, murdering innocents. Those innocents included Jaidar's whole family. When Jaidar learned of the news he ran away from Ashur and all duties that were placed upon him. He was branded as a traitor and was hunted for a while. Ashur's rage was later moved elsewhere so he was no longer hunted but he still lived a very quiet and solitary life at the outer ashes. He wanted nothing to do with the kingdom or Ashur or anyone. However, a group of people came looking for him, Artyom, Xiong and Gianni had heard of an ex-Brightreaver who could help them fight the current brightreavers. Which then prompted Jaidar to join their cause and fight alongside them to get rid of Ashur and the Brightreavers. When Xiong became king, he swore his loyalty to him and to protect him no matter what, becoming his personal guard and trainer.

Jaidar has many regrets, not seeing his family enough, working for Ashur, running away, not killing Ashur himself, making an attempt at his own life. All these things made him feel less than however he is living a happy life now, serving Xiong and living under his rule.



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