πŸ’­ A'nelo Suwa



2 years, 7 months ago


la noscea, by the rhotano sea.

A'nelo Suwa.

the equalizer

she/her 24 gunbreaker

talk back to me one more time an' this gunblade's goin' where the sun don't shine!


full name. a'nelo suwa
/Γ¦ nΙ›loʊ suwΙ™/

race. miqo'te, seeker of the sun

gender. female

relationship status. taken
β€” bisexual
β€” polyamorous

guardian. oschon

job. gunbreaker
β€” was a little bit of a hooligan, but she's straightened up
β€” promise!

server. balmung


notable traits.
with big, brown eyes and soft strawberry blonde hair, A'nelo at first sight doesn't seem all that distinctive. a little taller than most seeker girls, maybe, definitely on the thicker side; but it's the way she carries herself, with utmost confidence and a distinctive swagger, that makes heads turn. this girl should've been born a Nunh - or, well, at least maybe a particularly well-endowed Tia.
body condition.
tall, wide and plump. it's obvious she takes very good care of herself, whether it be for her looks or for her health. by the looks of her, she's grown quickly into her bigger body - her thighs and arms are littered with silvery stretch marks, and a healthy layer of fat covers an above-average musculature. despite how rough-and-tumble she is, she has very few scars - sign that she's either very good at what she does, or has an excellent healer at her disposal.
height. 5"7'
build. wide, chubby
β€” kept herself thin during her later teens as she craved approval from others
β€” her current weight sits a lot better on her
β€” gut, big thighs, large chest and strong arms
face. big, brown eyes, fat cheeks, and a pointy little chin. she looks sweet and approachable, all the way until her mouth opens and the limsan comes out.
β€” she has just a hint of makeup on, usually just a little powder and kohl
β€” six-stripe clanmarks - two on each cheek, and two above her eyebrows
dress. form over function. she'll choose armour that protects her less if it looks nicer on her, citing "distraction" as a valid battle technique. big fan of frills, embroidery and corsetry - although she hasn't forgotten her Limsan roots, and tends to dress according to local fashions.
β€” the more cleavage, the better. how else is she supposed to get discounts on drinks?
β€” most of her outfits are built on matching her gunblade
β€” not a fan of form-fitting sleeves or pants - she finds them hard to move around in
β€” she doesn't do "pouches" or "backpacks". she's got men for that!
gait. she strides with confidence, usually at the lead. most comfortable on her native Limsan cobblestone roads. it's hard to not hear her coming with the clicking of heels and armour. her back is usually arched to push her chest out, either as an attraction or as an intimidation technique, and she's very steady on her feet.
β€” she gets impatient fast if she can't be the one leading
β€” walks very fast, to the detriment of slower members of her party
voice. there's a fake saccharine-sweetness to it if she's trying to get something out of you. if not, you get the real her - boisterous, loud, and with a Limsan accent so thick you could cut through it with a fishknife. she's very apt at code-switching and will go from soft and sweet to swears that'd make a sailor blush in the same conversation.
β€” she's trying to cut back on it ever since she realized her daughter is, in fact, old enough to learn swears.
β€” it's not going well.
  • echo manifestation. irritating, mostly. like a sharp pinch to the nerves behind her eyes that persists the entire duration of her visions. she's learned to ignore it, for the most part, but it's not pleasant, to say the least.
  • fighting style. physical melee. she's always liked to take matters into her own hands, and it extends to fighting. her mother signed her up as a teenager to the arcanist's guild, hoping it'd build character, but a dozen failed carbuncles and one bad influence of a Tia were enough to land her a job with the Rogue's Guild. after that, one close call had her scrambling to find something with a little more substance; she was put into contact with a practitioner of gunbreaker arts, and took to it beautifully. she's not the fastest or the most skilled by any means, but what she lacks in practice, she makes up for in how viciously she fights.


likes. fried fish. gil. short men. pink velvet. leather belts. the ocean.
dislikes. seagulls. saltwater taffy. turquoise stone. most omelettes.

motivations. she did it to get away from home, at first, to try to find herself out. now that she's figured that out, she's doing it for the gil, for the renown, for the thrill of it. she's competitive to a fault, and even though she's never been pitted against the Tias of her tribe, she's made it up in her mind that she has to do better than the boys.

fears. she'll never, EVER admit it - she's much too proud to - but she knows she's a handful, and there was a time where she was afraid it'd keep driving people away forever. she also feels responsible for the safety of those around her, as the most physically capable one, and she's scared of what'll happen if she's ever the first one to fall.

beliefs. everything's about luck. you have to be lucky or you're not getting anywhere; lucky to meet the right people, lucky to seduce the right man, lucky to catch the last boat. she knows she wouldn't have gotten anything done on her own if she hadn't had those few strokes of luck, so she's hesitant to assign her success to her own hard work. she believes in soulmates, but that they're made, not found - although... some events have led her to reconsider this stance.

initially. she's a conwoman, and she's not subtle about it. the perfectly timed laughter, the tail brushing, the eyelash-batting - she wants something, and she's clearly willing to do a lot to get it.
in reality. she's stubborn, she's fiery, and once you have her trust, you'd be hard-pressed to lose it. she has a tendency to get frustrated easily, especially when things aren't going her way, but she's just as quick to turn it around with a joke or a snarky comment. she tries not to take things too seriously and leaves the worrying to others - things'll turn out eventually, and if they don't, well, she's gonna be pissed about it!
in their own eyes. she'd be more pressed about how intense she is if it hadn't turned out so well for her. she loves the people around her fiercely - she'd say everything she does is for them, but that'd be a lie and she knows it. she's much too self-serving for that. she's firmly convinced more things would turn out well if people just went along with her plans a little more often, and with a little less complaining.
knife twirling skills


MSQ spoilers tw something
( I )

born in A tribe. her mother, A'lyhra, fled to A with her tail between her legs when the Tia she ran off with as a teen left her, and despite herself she did resent A'nelo for what happened to her. she grew into a little firecracker of a teenager, with a lot of disdain for any kind of authority. her mother sent her off to the arcanists' guild to try to make something out of her and steer her into a better direction than the fucking around with boys and aimless partying she's been doing.

then she meets Nines there.

more partying ensues. a lot more thievery. he introduces her to the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss, and out the window go her arcanist studies - not like she could even summon a carbuncle, anyway. they live off a few odd jobs here and there, scraping along through Limsa's seedy underbelly, until Baderon takes notice and offers them a job with the adventurers' guild, complete with a Keeper healer to join them.

( II )

MSQ happens. she grows close to Saqeh'ra and over time realizes her jokey jabs about how useless men are have been recieved completely differently by someone from a strict matriarchal society. to her horror, she is forced to face the fact that her words have repercussions.

( heavensward ) : it's getting real. she's realizing that all of this is very serious, but she doesn't know how to really deal with any of it, so she still tries to play it by ear. getting snappier.

( stormblood ) : Rhalgr's Reach is her turning point. she has to protect her men, and uses the Scions' contacts to find herself a gunblade tutor. she starts bulking up and taking her fighting more seriously. she gets the scar across her ribs that never heals quite right because Sasa couldn't get to it fast enough, but she wears it as a reminder of what she has to do.

( shadowbringers ) : they learn all three of them are pieces of the same shard - Saqeh'ra the astral, Nelo the neutral, and Nines the umbral. as they absorb the light, all three are affected - Nelo acts as the conduit between the three when their aether is righted by Emet-Selch, which is how she gets the scars on her hands. on her return to the Source, A'teeko convinces her to reconnect with her mother, who she hasn't contacted since leaving for the arcanists' guild. she elopes with Saqeh'ra to eternally bond with him in secret as a symbolic gesture.

( endwalker ) : Syele joins them, sent by the Forum to keep an eye on these nasty little Scions while they're in Sharlayan. she drums up a friendship with her right before everything goes to complete shit... and doesn't take it well when Syele doesn't make it back from the Ragnarok. it makes her realize just how dangerous everything they've done so far is, and she finally agrees to go back to A to rest a while. she names her first daughter in honor of Syele's sacrifice.


family. she never thought she'd want a family, what with her fraught relationship with her mother and her useless excuse of a Tia for a father - but it's slowly crept up on her that she can choose who she wants in her life, and she's starting to understand how much she missed having people she's this close to.
a'lyhra turoc. β€”

ah, it's - complicated. she knows now that her mother was doing her best with the cards she was given, but it doesn't really make up for the years of resentment that had built up before then. it's getting better day by day, at least - she's still so mad teeko was right - and sisi's presence seems to put a balm on her mother's old hurts, at least.

saqeh'ra rhotte. β€”

she never realized keepers would be so different. the start of their relationship was rocky at best, but she's so, so glad he stuck it through with her - and not just because he's the only healer who'll put up with her! she knows she would've been a worse person had he not been the one to open her eyes, and he's the only person she can see herself spending her entire life with.

a'sisi sahsa. β€”

oh, she never thought she could love someone so much. she's never been particularly motherly, but there's something about watching sisi navigate the world and bloom into her own person that makes her feel... at peace. how sappy of her!

o'shasti suwa. β€”

what are the odds that they'd find each other in A again? they met for the first time when their mess of a father dragged himself to A, and she's never bonded with anyone else so fast as she did with Shasti watching him have to deal with the nightmare he'd made of the sire records. she still thinks Shasti's insane for agreeing to go back to O, but hey - she's done some stupid things in her life, too, so she's in no position to criticize.

friends. they keep her in line, they bring meaning to her life. she's thankful they're there, but she won't say so - she'll show it by sharing a pint and laughing at their bad jokes, which honestly is even better coming from her.
a'teeko ghol. β€”

her sister from another mother. Teeko, for all her little rat bastard energy, is whip-smart and surprisingly insightful, and she's livid that she was right about her mother, but she forgives her. still jokingly upset that she took bets on whether her baby could come out blue or not (she can't be that mad - she got the most gil out of those bets, unbeknownst to her). she can borrow Sahsa anytime, if he's down for it!

o'nines tia. β€”

oh, she loves him to death, but she wishes he'd grow up a little. yes, yes, they used to tear up the town together, they used to drown their sorrows at the Wench and get into fights at the guild, and she looks fondly on those days! but isn't it time to stop acting like he's still a sullen teenager...? maybe talk a little?

g'raha tia. β€”

there's always a place for him in A, and in her bed. she knows he's always busy, what with his, uh... books... and whatever it is they do in Sharlayan, she's never asked... but he should visit more often! there's a lot of things to do together in Limsa! and Saqeh'ra misses him! he wouldn't want to make Saqeh'ra sad, now would he?!

syele hyskaris. β€”

she was the only good thing to come out of Sharlayan, and their time together was much too short. not a day goes by that she doesn't miss her smirk, her wit, her fiery anger - and she hopes she's doing alright, wherever she is, looking back on her little namesake and smiling. ...oh, how sappy again. what's going on with her?

a'zhada tia. β€”

hey... whatever happened to this guy?