


2 years, 6 months ago


Lazarus Bensi
Trans man
He / him
Private Detective
Determined . Intense . Vigilant.

Show me what you got and I'll show you what you're missing.

Gruff, brusque, and tired. Lazarus isn't the greatest conversation partner. He regards everyone with the same baseline of suspicion - everyone's a suspect in his eyes, since appearances are frequently deceiving.


  • Black coffee
  • Anything with an intoxicating effect
  • Alone time

  • People butting in on his business (hypocrite)
  • Smart asses (hypocrite!!)
  • Having his hypocrisy pointed out
Design Notes

  • Wears Columbo chic
  • Cringefail facial hair is a must
  • Always has dark circles under his eyes - perpetually magically sleep deprived
  • Often compensates for short height with heeled shoes or thick soled boots
  • If drawn shirtless, scars can be simplified or left off except for his chest brand

  • He's around 200 years old, having been born sometime in the 1800s
  • Considers himself a pillar & protector of his community. Others are less on board with this.
  • Dogshit luck at cards, but has a good enough pokerface to bluff his way through
  • Has some minor fire magic, likes to show off and light his cigarettes with it

  • Under the effects of a spell that make him constantly low energy & sleep deprived - essentially magical depression
  • Due to the above, and due to being functionally immortal with super healing, he abuses a lot of substances because they make him feel something, even if only for a little bit
  • He's a dirty fighter barehanded, but he prefers to use a flaming sword he can summon out of thin air thanks to his demonic patron

Lazarus woke up one day with no knowledge of who he was or how he'd got there or even his name. He was in a strange, dark cavern, and he could hear something huge and close by breathing heavily, and he could just see the tiniest pinprick of light ahead of him. He weighed up his options and he ran for the light.

It took him a long time and a lot of searching to piece together his past. Whoever he had been before, that person sold his soul to a demon in exchange for power and everlasting life. His demonic patron had designs on world destruction, or domination, or something of the sort. And other demons in the hierarchy had noticed this, and this displeased them. To avoid a massive upheaval of the political power structure, they put Lazarus's patron under eternal slumber, and quietly offloaded its responsiblities and control off to other, lesser demons, flunkies and lackeys and toadies that deserved a reward for their loyalty. And Lazarus was all but forgotten.

He had a chance now to leave that past behind him and forge a new life and a new identity. He took it. For a while, he drifted aimlessly from place to place, trying to find anything to fill the void of boredom within him. He became a regular at a seedy, rundown bar, where he found a knack for observation and deduction, solving many a dispute by being an outside observer, pointing out exactly who had been at fault in each altercation. An offhand suggestion by a retired detective led to him taking a job with the police force, but his disgust at their obvious corruption had him quickly going private.


Lazarus sees himself as a protector between the human world and the supernatural world, keeping people from either side from interacting as much as possible. In his view, when they mix only bad things happen. Humans have their lives torn apart, turned into something twisted they no longer recognize, and rarely integrate well into the Underbelly afterwards. Supernatural beings are feared, hated, and hunted by humans, driven into the dark secret corners of the world to have any hope of survival.

He does recognize that some collaboration is needed, however - he often works with human police forces to make sure any crimes or events involving supernatural beings are kept quiet from the human public. The police are frequently all to keen to foist off any 'weird' things on Lazarus, and he does his best to make sure no further harm comes to either human or supernatural beings involved. Sometimes this means dispensing his own form of justice, if nothing else will answer.



Lazarus's latest case involves one Dr. Salvadore Terciero Nadir Cereza, who is not all she seems to be...


  • Sold his soul to a demonic patron, can't die unless that demon wills it, has a bunch of powers from the bargain
  • Said demon has been put under a spell of eternal sleep by political rivals, Lazarus has lost all memory of his time working for his patron
  • Now he's basically Columbo for a supernatural world hiding just out of view of the normal human world
  • Current case is beating his ass bc he fell in love with the main suspect. Whoops!
Sal Suspect / Love interest

Laz has recruited Sal to help out on his latest case, as she's a professor of mycology and he's turned up evidence of some bizarre fungus on the bodies of the victims. But he's beginning to suspect she may be closer to the case than she seems... and that he may be too infatuated with her to turn her in.

The Menagerie Shitty Ex

The less said about THIS relationship the better.

Diana Best Worstie

The closest thing Lazarus has to a best friend. He relies on her help with a lot of cases, especially when some kind of magic has been used to cover the tracks. He doesn't like owing her too much, though, and anyway he's already stuck buying her drinks from now til eternity to cover his losses at pool.

Boots Little rat freak

Boots would certainly call the two of them friends, but Lazarus wouldn't. Nonetheless, the little shit is good to shakedown if he needs the latest gossip about who's pulled off what big theft.