


2 years, 10 months ago



Full Name
Jacob Carson
December 2nd, 1893 (Sagittarius)
6'3" (190cm)
Favorite Food
Spicy Potato Stew (family recipe)
Country of Origin
Southern Territories
🙂 Likes
• Quality time with friends/family
• Big parties and festivals
• Cool vehicles
• Hugs
• Picking up people who are smaller than him
👎 Dislikes
• Conflict between friends
• Vegetables cooked soft
• Unnessecary violence
• Rich people
• Heights (ladders in particular)
📊 Stats
Magic Ability
Psychic Ability
Mental Health
Hug Quality

Carson is a character from Iron Company, my work-in-progress visual novel.


A big hug that became a person. Jack is the official Dad Friend of Iron Company. He's very outwardly affectionate with his friends and loved ones. Easy-going and diplomatic by nature, and genuine in his belief that anyone can change for the better, he's always the first to offer an olive branch or step in to end a fight. Anxiety or frustration can still get the best of him when tensions are high, though, and he's not above knocking some heads together to end a conflict, or breaking some knees to protect someone he cares about. (He has a very high boiling point, and if you manage to get him angry, you have fucked up super bad.)

A certified Wife Guy and Girl Dad. He likes to play cupid, and is kind of gossipy in the most well-intentioned way possible. His #1 priority in life is taking care of the people around him. He WILL make you take a nap if you are tired and grumpy and overworked. Do not test him. He can pick you up.

He cries easily, about just about anything you could cry over. He will gently tease or rib his friends a bit, but then immediately apologize just in case it wasn't as funny as he thought.

It seems like you are a very good friend to the others. I am glad they have someone like you to rely on.
― Petra (to Carson)
I’ll be honest with you. I’m not super comfy either. Some unpleasant memories are back at the surface. I did not sleep well last night knowing you were here. But I trust the Boss. And, for some reason, he seems to trust you."
― Carson (to Petra)


Jack was the son of a cattle rancher, and grew up around cows. He married his wife, Serena, in his early twenties, and they took over the family ranch. They had twin daughters, Lily and Poppy, and a third child on the way when the war began.

When the war started, he and Serena made a plan for her to run with the kids to their grandparents' house, further from the border, if their hometown were ever attacked. A few months in, the Armians reached his ranch, and his family fled. When Jack tried to catch up with them, he found his childhood home in ashes, too. He has hope that his family is alive and safe somewhere, and he wanders with Iron Company hoping that, by some miracle, he might find them. Jack is stuck in an in-between state in his life, missing his lost family, unsure whether he should keep looking or just move on. He feels like he's always waiting. His grief is a driving force in his life; he wants to hold everyone he cares about close, for as long as he possibly can.

He and Serena wrote a lullaby for their children, and wherever he goes, he'll stop to get out the guitar and play it, in hopes someone who remembers it will hear.


  • Good with all kinds of domestic animals.
  • Speaks tourist-level Armian.
  • He is Farm Strong, and maintains that with weight lifting.
  • During the war, he was an engineer. He's good at fixing stuff, and blowing stuff up.
  • His first aid skills are top-notch, and on top of that, he's learned a little healing magic (just enough to stop most bleeding).
  • He has maxed out the entire dad/lesbian skill tree: fix thing, build thing, cook outdoors, etc.
  • He's an experienced forager. He will find and cook you the best mushrooms you've ever tasted in your life.
  • He can play the guitar and sing quite well.
  • His memory is very good, and he has a lot of fairy tales, ballads and legends in there. He's a great campfire storyteller. Capable of editing out anything inappropriate for children on the fly and improvising.
  • He deals with stress and anxiety via meditation, a skill his wife taught him, and he's pretty good at shepherding other people through panic attacks/flashbacks/meltdowns.
  • Easily psychologically manipulates children (and immature adults). (He would never use this skill for evil.)


  • Deals with chronic back and foot pain, a consequence of being Big and also doing a lot of physical labor.
  • He picked up a smoking habit during the war and quit when it was over, but the Substance Calls To Him (and it's the goddamn 1930s so he's basically always hearing that siren call).
  • His need to take care of everyone around him (and manage their feelings about each other) can lead to overbearing behavior if nobody keeps him in check.
  • Like Sykes and Kell, he has big-time PTSD. It gives him night terrors, and he hates sleeping alone.
  • Serious acrophobia-- this man does not want anything to do with skyscrapers. Or ladders. Or high cliffs. Or air travel. Being big and heavy compounds his fear that ladders or railings might fail him.
  • If a friend really, honestly hurts his feelings, he will just bury it and try to forget about it, until it bubbles to the surface somehow.
  • Usually good at keeping a lid on a secret... unless spilling it might ultimately be better for someone. Then he gets antsy.


  • Agnostic, but definitely believes in spirits/ghosts/etc. and thinks it would be really cool to meet one.
  • Due to all of his work with dairy cows, he kind of can't bring himself to eat beef. (Any animal he does eat gets a thank-you prayer.)
  • If he sees something big that would be impressive to pick up, he will try (with permission).
  • At any given time he is in possession of at least two kinds of Nice Soap. He will share his nice soap with you, if you promise not to put it directly in your armpits. Or your zone. (Kell, for god's sake.)
  • He and Sykes are Team Tidy. Together, they can clean, organize or disinfect anything.
  • Not at all a cheapskate, but if haggling is situationally appropriate, he's a formidable haggler.
  • If he weren't already married, he'd have two Best Men at his wedding (Sykes and Kell).
  • His eyebrow scar is a shrapnel wound, but if you ask him about it, he'll tell you a different story every time.


🫂 Sykes
He sort of mentored Sykes, then later ended up under his command, and also, they are Very Good Friends. It's a strange relationship, but they're both insufferably reasonable about it.
🫂 Kell
Friends forged in fire. Kell often challenges Carson's patience, but at the end of the day, they're bros.
🤝 Petra
Was there for the Inciting Incident Fight between her and Sykes. Willing to give her a second chance since war's fucked up, but he's Business Apprehensive.
Thinks she's dead and gone, and isn't aware of the Horrible Truth.
🫂 Maddie
Instantly adopted her as a daughter. Would throw himself into any danger to protect this precious nerd baby. They geek out over machine/vehicle stuff together.
🫂 Naomi
Another spontaneous adoption. She taught him a bit about healing magic, for which he's eternally grateful.
🤝 Ryfka
He finds true psychics really intimidating, but she seems cool.
🫂 Diesel
Mice are the natural enemy of the rancher, but counterpoint: awwwwwww, lookit him.
