


2 years, 15 days ago


🛈 This character is from Iron Company, my visual novel project in progress!

Full Name: Erika Frost
Age: It's very rude to ask a lady her age but if you must know, she's dead.
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: Always floating over your head to assert dominance
Favorite Food: oh god, don't remind her that she can't eat, she's so sad
🏳️‍🌈 Bisexual

Once upon a time, she was absolutely sure she was going to marry John Sykes. They did end up hitched, but not quite in the way she hoped.

John and Erika were childhood friends and adulthood enemies, and now, even in death, she won't-- and physically, can't-- get off his case. By some fluke, Erika seems to have ended up spiritually stapled to Sykes, unable to leave a 50-foot radius of him. She's visible to psychics with high sensitivity, but goes unnoticed by most people other than Sykes.

For all intents and purposes she's a ghost, but the problem is that ghosts don't exist. What most people would call a "ghost" is actually a psychic echo-- more of a recording of something or someone than a sentient being. Erika seems to have retained her sentience. She retains new memories and forms new thoughts. She has some theories about why exactly she's still intact and hanging around the realm of the living, but she's had trouble convincing Sykes to work with her.

• REAL depressed. Does not do vulnerability, so she would never admit to this.
• Sarcastic, petty, and vengeful. Sometimes just plain cruel.
• Seems compelled to at least try to be helpful, sometimes, despite everything.
• In life, she was very ambitious. In her current state, she's mostly embraced apathy just to cope.
• Possessive and jealous in both platonic and romantic relationships.
• Uses her personal tragedy as justification for all her worst behavior.

Opinions of other characters
Liked him a lot more 20 years ago. Now he sucks.
Why do we even keep him around???
He can stay.
She can stay.
Untrustworthy, but interesting.
Kept the Host Body alive and is therefore owed a debt of gratitude.
Very interesting.