Chickadeehop (moved to docs)



2 years, 7 months ago



"You'll never know dear, how much I love you," 

  • name > Chickadeehop
        prefix meaning > His calico pelt and bird themed litter
        suffix meaning > For his climbing skill and buoyant personality
        previous names > Chickadeekit, Chickadeepaw
    nicknames > Chickadee, Chicky

    clan > Hailclan
        previous clans > n/a
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    former mentor > Bearbranch
    apprentices >
        current > Flurrypaw
        previous > n/a

    age > 12+ moons (Born moon 185)
    gender > Trans-masculine
    pronouns > he/they
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Pan, prefers toms

chickadee_Warrior_flat.pngbasic description > A fluffy calico tom with lilac eyes.

build > Slim-to-average beneath his fur
fur description > Long, silky and slightly wavy
breeds > Moggy

height > 24 cm
weight > 7.9 lbs
voice > xxx
theme > Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks
> Shredded tree bark

scars > n/a
accessories > n/a
banned traits > n/a


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Competent > Give him a task and he'll show he's both willing and able to complete it. He's always watching and listening, hoping to learn enough to be a helpful member of the party.
    >> Jokester > Most cats get a funny bone or two, but this one got a whole skeleton of them. He has a deep fondness for humor, especially the harmless kind that can make everybody laugh while still sparing their feelings.
    >> Softhearted > He's never held a grudge in his life, preferring instead to let it go and make peace as often as he can. Some might worry about being mistreated, but he insists bridges are too valuable to burn.

neutral >
    >> Mighty > Beware, cruel foe! He has the spirit of a warrior and will brave even the most lopsided matchup if he believes it will help his clan in some way. He's especially keen to take impossible missions that other cats have passed up on.
    >> Dreamer > This boy's full of silly nonsense on the best of days, and tends to get carried away in his own fantasies. It's a habit you'll either find charming or irritating, as sometimes it's all he can talk about.
    >> Instinctive > He thinks more with his heart and his whiskers than his head, which lends itself to the split second reactions demanded of a wild cat. On the other paw, he's pretty awful at methodical planning.

negative >
    >> Passive > He fails to stick up for himself and is never the first to volunteer for anything, believing other cats are surely more qualified than he'd ever be. He readily defers to other cats' opinions, even when they'd prefer he voice his own.
    >> Apologetic > This poor tom always assumes it's his fault whenever something goes wrong. He'll own up to crimes he didn't even participate in, or express regret for not having prevented mistakes he had little control over.
    >> Forgetful > He has a habit of putting things down and losing them entirely. He also seems prone to misremembering past events, and it's not always easy to tell if he's avoiding responsibility or just forgot he was assigned to anything in the first place.


Immediate family >
Looneyes > Father > White-and-black patched tom with blue eyes. Hailclan resident.
Sparrowchirp > Mother > Fluffy brown molly with violet eyes. (Deceased)
>> Unknown rogue > Bio mother, surrogate > (NPC) Status unknown.
>> Finchbreeze > Mother (adoptive) > Cinnamon colorpoint she-cat with blue eyes and large scars on her back. Hailclan resident.

>> Duckkit > Littermate > Small brown fluffy tabby she-cat with high white and amber eyes. (Deceased)
>> Juncogaze > Littermate > Large gray-and-brown kit with white underfur and steel blue eyes. On a quest, status unknown.

>> Blackstrike > Brother (adoptive) > Small black tom with white paws and blue eyes > (Deceased)
Martenfang > Sibling (adoptive) > Brown colorpoint cat with a twisted paw and amber eyes > Hailclan resident.

Martenfang's kits >
>> Ferretkit > > Nephew > Sepia point bicolor with amber eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Weaselkit > Nephew > Chocolate sepia point with white and blue and amber eyes > Hailclan resident.

Loon's side of the family >

>> Snowclaw > Great grandfather > Black pointed tom (Deceased)
>> Snakeheart > Great grandmother > Silver tabby she-cat (Deceased)

>> Kitestar > Grandfather > White tom with gray tabby patches and blue eyes > (Deceased)
>> Patches > Bio grandmother, surrogate > Black Calico she-cat > (NPC) Status unknown

>> Mudfang > Aunt >  White she-cat with brown tabby patches and blue eyes > (Deceased)
>> Lightshadow > Aunt > Dilute calico she-cat with green eyes > (Deceased)
>> Ambermask > Uncle > White tom with ginger tabby patches, blue eyes, and a large scar across his face > Missing

Sparrow's side of the family >>

>> Whitestar > Maternal great grandfather > Albino tom with scars > (Deceased)
>> Harebreeze > Maternal great grandfather > Lilac cream Caliby trans tom with golden eyes > (Deceased)

 >> Salmonwish > Paternal great grandmother > Slim brown coated molly with speckles of white and a salmon colored tint > (Deceased)
>> Unknown rogue > Paternal bio great grandfather > (NPC) Orange tom > (Deceased)

Whitestar + Harebreeze's kits >

>> Lilacpool > Grandmother > Calico she-cat with violet eyes and a scarred face > Hailclan resident.
>> Breezeshine > Great aunt > Calico she-cat with violet eyes (Deceased)
>> Rootsun > Great aunt > Calico she-cat with amber eyes (Deceased)
>> Featherkit > Great uncle > White tom with amber eyes (Deceased)

Salmonwish's kits >

>> Squirrelnose > Grandfather > Brown tom with violet eyes and a bushy tail > (Deceased)
>> Riptidescar > Great uncle > Orange tom with blue eyes. (Deceased)
>> Orchidkit > Great aunt > Chocolate calico she-cat with yellow eyes (Deceased)

Lilacpool + Squirrelnose's kits >
>> Harefeather > Aunt > Chocolate calico she-cat with yellow eyes > (Deceased)

>> Salmonstar > Uncle > Large brown tom with high white markings and amber eyes > Hailclan resident.    

>> Fawnpatch > Uncle > Chocolate torbie trans-tom with white spotting and violet eyes > Hailclan resident.

>> Featherflight > Uncle > Cream and white freckled tabby tom with violet eyes > (Deceased)

Rootsun's kits >

>> Minksnow > First cousin once removed > Albino tom with pink eyes > (Deceased)

Salmonstar + Elkshade's kits >

>> Squirrelbark > Cousin > Dark brown tabby tom with white spotting and amber eyes > (Deceased)
>> Feathercloud > Cousin > Mostly white tom with a brown tabby patch and green eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Avocetflame > Cousin > Calico she-cat with blue eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Harenose > Cousin > Brown-and-white tabby tom with green eyes > Hailclan resident.

Fawnpatch's kits >

>> Buckkit > Cousin > Brown and white tabby tom > (Deceased)
>> Doepaw > Cousin > Brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes > Hailclan resident.

Feathercloud + Snowfeather's kits >
>> Shellkit > 1st cousin once removed > A dilute calico with heather blue eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Ashkit > 1st cousin once removed > A gray spotted tabby tuxedo with dark blue eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Barkkit > 1st cousin once removed > A brown tabby tuxedo with pale orange eyes > Hailclan resident.
>> Lizardkit > 1st cousin once removed > A fluffy gray tabby with high white and dark blue eyes > Hailclan resident.

Finch's side of the family >>
>> Owlheart > Grandmother > Brown pointed she-cat with blue eyes > Cloudclan resident.
>> Rainy > Bio grandfather, donor > Gray tabby tom with green eyes > (NPC) Rogue > Status unknown

Owlheart's kits >
>> Falconscreech > Gray tabby trans-tom with green eyes > (Deceased)
>> Chestnut > Brown tom with green eyes > Played by Melontine > (Deceased)
>> Ravenfrost > Black tom with a lighter undercoat and green eyes > (Deceased)
>> Magpieflight > Black pointed tom with blue eyes > (Deceased)

>> Finchbreeze > Mother (adoptive) > ((Duplicate))
>> Flickercloud > Brown tabby cat with green eyes > (Deceased)
>> Quailmeadow > Ginger colorpoint tabby cat with green eyes > (Deceased)
>> Shrikefoot > Gray colorpoint tabby tom with blue eyes > (Deceased)

Chestnut's kits >
>> Tiramisu > Cousin > Chocolate she-cat with high white and green eyes > Rogue (kittypet).
>> Peanut > Cousin > Cinnamon lynx-point she-cat with green eyes > Played by codesii > Rogue (kittypet).

Ravenfrost + Deerhop's kits >  
>> Rootcry > Cousin > Brown she-cat with a bobbed tail and blue eyes > (Deceased)
>> Poppysnap > Cousin > Toroiseshell she-cat with white spotting and blue eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Thistleflame > Cousin > Gray tom with white spotting and green eyes >Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Lilypetal > Cousin > Dilute spotted caliby she-cat with green eyes > (Deceased)

Shrikefoot + Warrenpath's kits >
>> Quailbelly > Cousin > Beige and brown pointed rosette molly with green eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Rabbitlily > Cousin > Cream and brown pointed tabby tom with blue eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.

Rabbitlily's kits >

>> Crocuspaw> First cousin once removed > Brown colorpoint tabby she-cat with blue eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Bellflowerpaw > First cousin once removed> Cream colorpoint tabby she-cat with turquoise eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Cygnetpaw > First cousin once removed > Gray-and-white colorpoint tabby she-cat with mismatched blue eyes > Resident of Cloudclan.
>> Frogletpaw> First cousin once removed > Brown colorpoint tabby tom with green eyes and a bobbed tail > Resident of Cloudclan.

Relevant trees by Hugh-Janus: [Family Tree] & [Family Tree]
Relevant tree by Zodiac-Dream: [Family Tree]

mate > n/a
    previous mates > n/a
    romantic interests > He'll never tell.
    looking for > Unrequited crushes, slow burn, drama

likes in a potential mate >
    > Pretty boys
    > Romantic

dislikes in a potential mate >
    Irritable, hot tempered, vengeful
    Pessimistic, insensitive

interested in kits > yes
preferred family size > no preference
family group > Owlheart tree (including Nettle/Flower Tree, Lilac/Squirrel Tree, Kitestar Tree, Laurelsprout Tree, Creamtail Tree)



Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
   Born out of a celebration of a reunited Hailclan, Chickadeekit's litter was meant as the ultimate love letter from Looneyes to Sparrowchirp. Tragedy soon struck the family, however, as Sparrowchirp died shortly before the kits were born, leaving her heartbroken mate to care for three kittens he never quite wanted for himself. When it came time, Chickadeekit was born last. He entered the world as a fluffy little calico who decided he was a tomcat as soon as he figured out what toms were, and seemed determined to climb every inch of the den he could sink his tiny little claws into. His litter was adopted by Finchbreeze when he was still too young to understand it, making an odd but effective co-parenting pair with Looneyes. All he knew was that he had another grown cat who kept him warm and doted on him, and that was plenty for a kitten.

Once he was old enough to be temporarily freed from the nursery, Chickadee sought out the very best perches in camp and tagged along in the shadow of the less intimidating older cats with big, round eyes. He frolicked in the snow long enough for the sun to move in the sky, his thick coat allowing him to ignore the cold until it finally bit into his bare paw pads and sent him limping back to his parents with tears in his eyes. Luckily for him, a quick groom was enough to get him back into playing condition, and he was back outside with his littermates the next day.

Chickadeekit complained about being hungry precisely once before he realized the warriors were trying very hard to bring back enough for everyone to eat. He thought even harder, and realized that if kits, queens, and elders were fed first, then all the other cats must be even hungrier than he was. After that he began to hunt for stray bugs in camp, presenting each one he found like the ultimate prize catch.

The warriors were talking about something scary - a patrol had gone up to the mountain, and the snow had run down the side and buried them! Luckily his clanmates formed a new, better patrol and rescued them. When they returned, Chickadeekit thought he missed a face or two. He decided not to ask about it, because cats always seemed to get very sad when you asked about someone who disappeared.

When his sister snuck out of camp along with a kit from another litter, he didn't worry right away. The warriors would go and bring them back, right? ... Right? He waited up until the cats returned, nearly forgetting there was anything wrong until they brought back two tiny bodies. The sight shook him to his core, and he spent the night sobbing into Finchbreeze's fur. His tears had dried up the next morning, but the weight of grief in the camp was still, smothering so he swallowed his own feelings and took up trying to make his clanmates smile with a mix of kit-antics and soft, silly jokes.

apprenticehood [ 6 - 12 moons ] >

It was time for Chicky's big moment, and he was out of his element. An apprentice, him? In this weather? He wasn't sure he was really up for such a big job, but he crossed his paws for a kind mentor and tiptoed forward to receive his new name - Chickadeepaw.

His mentor started each lesson with words of caution, which he tried to take to heart. It didn't matter how much his paws itched to climb if it wasn't in the training schedule, and Bearbranch said it was dangerous, anyway. There was no point in trying to become the best warrior if it was going to get him killed. He'd play it safe. Always safe.

Martenfang surprised everyone when they left the open meadows of Cloudclan for the snowy forests of Hailclan. Chickadeepaw had met them once before when they came to deliver news their littermate had passed away, but now they were here permanently. He was glad to have more family close by, and hoped it would give Finchbreeze a new reason to smile.

Returning to camp one day, he discovered his clanmates in an alarming debate. Laurelsprout had come out in front of them all and accused Rippletide of murdering the late medicine cat. Not everyone agreed with them, but Chickadee didn't notice any of that - of course he would trust the intuition of the clan's healer. He stood by Laurelsprout, offering as much support as he could muster in such a crowd. 

He was surprised to learn Martenfang was planning to grow their family. He thought about it for a while, noting how well the prey had been running, how much joy kits could bring, and how Martenfang had already been motivated to leave their clan to be closer to family. Yes, it made sense. The more he considered the idea the more it excited him, and he hung around his older sibling more often to ask them questions while they prepared for kittens. 

A huge tree ripped itself from the earth one day, crashing through camp and crushing several good cats in the impact. Still more were injured, and the dust in the air left everyone coughing for days. Chickadeepaw took some time away from hunting practice to help clear the broken branches away and weave new dens for his displaced clanmates. He began to consider the forest with more unease, and the groan of trees overhead would still send the occasional shiver up his spine.

He was glad to attend a gathering with his brother in tow. Neither he nor Juncopaw knew exactly what they were meant to be doing there, but they tried their best to socialize with a few apprentices from other clans. Magpiepaw and Swallowpaw from Cloudclan, and a ginger tortoiseshell from Emberclan. Chickadee switched to signing when he realized one of the cats couldn't hear him, although he was embarrassed to have assumed how they would communicate with him in the first place. 

The announcements in the gathering were a shock. Not only had the other three clans lost their leaders, but hosts, omens, a quest with Dropletshine? He hardly knew what to worry about first. Were the clans cursed, was that why all his clanmates had been dying? Would Salmonstar be next? He was tempted to ask Laurelsprout for guidance, but they were surely busy with more important things. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he would be chosen to go on the quest. 

Finally, Martenfang welcomed two kits into the world. They were called Weaselkit and Ferretkit, and Chickadeepaw thought they were perfect. He promised to be the very best uncle and had a hard time tearing himself away from the nursery, but there was still that pesky training to complete.

warriorhood [ 12 moons - current ] >

The night before his ceremony left him with butterflies in his stomach. Had he performed well enough, would he even earn his name? He fretted up until Salmonstar called him forward and pronounced him Chickadeehop, and then he forgot to worry for a moment. He'd done it, he was a warrior! 

His delight didn't last long; Salmonstar soon delivered the news of who'd been chosen for the quest. His heart dropped. They'd only just been made warriors together, and he'd have to say goodbye to his brother and his former mentor? He held himself together just long enough to wish Juncogaze well as he left, and found somewhere quiet to bawl his eyes out.

He was so sure the day couldn't get any worse, but it seemed nature itself had other plans. He didn't realize what was happening at first - the earth seemed to buck beneath his paws, filling the air with awful rumbling and ripping as plants were torn up by the roots. He scrambled between a few dead trees which shielded him from the worst of the falling debris, and dragged himself back to camp once the worst was over. 

Everything was a wreck, and more cats had died. He sought out his close family, making sure his parents had survived and Martenfang was safe with their tiny kits in the nursery. There was no way for him to check on Juncogaze, and his mind was clouded with the old ache of losing Duckkit as he drifted off to sleep that night.

There was a commotion from the nursery one morning, and he was quite alarmed to hear that one of the queens had passed away. He felt a twinge of guilt for being relieved it wasn't someone he knew better. The loss was very sad for the queen's kits, but their father took over as their caretaker. He supposed they'd manage.

When Laurelsprout warned the clan away from bathing boulders, Chickadeehop didn't take it lightly. He trusted his medicine cat's connection to Starclan and was sure to avoid the area at all costs. 

> lilacpool passes in her sleep
> looneyes goes missing


Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Daydreaming
  •  Snow
  •  Getting cats to laugh
  •  Like
  •  Like
  • Saying the wrong thing
  • Peer pressure
  • Being put on the spot
  • Dislike
  • Dislike
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  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)

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