


2 years, 7 months ago


Festival of Asylum

01 — Profile

Name Keaton
Nicknames none
Age 24
Gender female ( she/her )
Height 5'7
Birthdate September 8
Species Ashuri (German Shepard)
Orientation. Lesbian
Occupation Hitman

Status forever homed
Designer XxleraX
Worth 100$
  • she is an ashuri, please remember her flames!

  • her hair is always a mess

  • the scar across her nose is a soul keeper marking

  • always has assorted bandages and cuts on her

  • small bust

  • almost never smiles, always grumpy!

02 — Personality

Keaton is very serious at all times. She does not speak much, and when she does, it's usually a command. She always moves with peak efficiency and always keeps an eye on her surroundings, her little ears tilting to catch every sound around her.

Beyond this, she does not have many close relationships at all. Most people would be hard pressed to recognize her - blending in with the crowd and slipping away into the night. It's easy to say she's mysterious - though not in a very alluring way.

Deep down, under her rough exterior, she does quietly mourn her lonely existence. But these feelings only get in the way of her work, so she keeps them buried.

  • techwear

  • soap operas

  • peace and quiet

  • flaming hot cheetoes

  • her job

  • guardians

  • the rich

  • bland food

03 — Background

the painful routine

Keaton was born as the eldest child of three. Her and her siblings grew up in an extremely impoverished part of town. Her mother was always working and her father wasn’t part of the picture. The family often had to pick between food or heat.

So when a Slayer clan offered her a chance to make good money at fifteen years old, you could see why she took the opportunity with open arms.

Her tasks started small, but slowly grew in severity. She went from clean-up to running errands to learning how to fight. The training was much more brutal than the normal sort she was used to receiving as an Ashuri. But she quickly adapted, learning fast - it seems she was quite adept at murder.

At first, she did her best to keep her personal feelings at bay. But it was remarkable to her how quickly one could get used to killing. She slowly isolated herself more and more from everyone around her - friends, classmates, eventually even her family - who didn’t have the stomach to ask her how she managed to come up with all this cash. They accepted her gifts and said no more about it.

At seventeen, she dropped out of school. At eighteen, she officially moved out, finding a small apartment within the Clan territory. She dedicated herself to her work, her heart completely frozen over. Nose to the grindstone. Nothing else mattered.

That is, until she met her.

the problem arises

No one had been able to rattle Keaton - but Peyton, a charming Guardian, managed to disarm her completely, every time they encountered each other. The girl was sharp as a tack, strong as an ox, and worst of all - completely infatuated with Keaton. It wasn’t the first time a guardian had tried to take her down, but it was the first time they’d been so evenly matched, and it was definitely the first time anyone showed any interest in her. Peyton held no shame either - constantly complimenting her and openly fantasising about what she would do when she finally caught her.

It made Keaton feel sick.

Suddenly, abruptly, and violently being reconnected to her feelings after having been so numb for so long has been extremely disorienting for Keaton. She began making more mistakes - becoming paranoid - something else, underneath the disgust and panic.


One thing is for sure - she has to get her act together, before Peyton gets the chance to make her fantasies come true.

04 — Trivia

  • has limited wind magic she's able to imbue into her weapons, usually used to make a quick getaway

  • she's better at a range - not the best in direct hand-to-hand combat. she'd rather get the drop on someone or put some distance between them.

  • she watches soaps the same way lego batman watches romcoms. obvious symbolism much babe???

  • her long ponytail causes her a lot of problems, but she can't bring herself to cut it

05 — Relationships


It's so -- so stressful, knowing that one too many mistakes - maybe even one mistake -- she doesn't know what Peyton's plans are, and she doesn't want to find out.

And yet...


Tried to recruit her to her gang once. Until she realised Keaton is a girl. Then she hit on her. Overall not a good impression.