


1 year, 11 months ago


Donut Hole

01 — Profile

Name Peyton
Nicknames Berry
Age 25
Gender female ( she/her )
Height 5'11
Birthdate December 13
Species Ashuri (Belgian Dog)
Orientation. Lesbian
Occupation Guardian

Status forever homed
Designer SparksTea
Worth 60$
  • she is an ashuri! please do not forget her flames!

  • be better than me. don't forget her mole.

  • her hair is very fluffy! she usually has some sort of strawberry hairpiece

  • she's a bit of a perpetual grinner

  • she's quite built! she's got a decent amount of muscle.

  • she has a large bust size. luckily, shes built enough to support it.

02 — Personality

Peyton is quite laid back. She has a natural charm about her that makes her easy to get along with and listen to. She's always been someone that people look up to - with her kind smile and willingness to help out, she's been a constant lifesaver in the lives of those around her.

It's hard work, but it's no bother to her. She enjoys it - getting paid in smiles on pretty girl's faces, or the embarrassed flush of a man who had his problem resolved for him. Plus, she couldn't help but step in if things were going sideways! Even if she does run herself a bit ragged sometimes - perhaps a little too focused on her job and the people around her, and forgetting to take time for herself, or fulfilling her own personal relationships.

While she may be charming and reliable to a fault, there's always been something... shallow about it. There is simply not much under the surface of Peyton - seemingly smiles all the way down.

Perhaps she's just not all that deep.

  • company

  • cologne

  • fruit!

  • comfy clothing

  • vegetables :/

  • purple

  • swimming

  • slayers

03 — Background

the perfect child

Peyton grew up as an only child to two loving parents. Growing up in the suburbs, Peyton had always had a natural charm - a born leader, it was easy for her to rile up her classmates to follow her.

The star of the classroom, and the apple of her parent’s eye, she was a paragon of excellence. She always had a strong moral compass, and would always come to the aid of someone experiencing an injustice. Adults often entrusted her with various responsibilities, knowing that her morals would never waver. Her chivalry, paired with her athletic prowess, meant that since her youngest days, she was a shoe-in to become a guardian.

After graduating, she went to school on a full scholarship at one of the top Guardian Academies. While at the Academy, she played around with her sexuality - dating several different girls, who were all charming in their own ways, but couldn’t quite capture her full attention. She graduated the Academy as the Valedictorian, before taking up her new job - keeping Ashuris safe from slayers.

It was hard work, but she enjoyed it - once again outshining her coworkers and rising to the top. Number one in arrests. Visiting prisons and helping to reform convicted Slayers. Even helping out humans now and then. Still, there was something missing from her life. Some sort of hole in her perfect life she had been unable to fill.

That is, until she met her.

the loss of composure

No one had ever captured Peyton’s attention so immediately. Keaton was extremely beautiful, amazingly talented, exceedingly fast, and smart - the only downside was that she was a slayer. What an absolute shame! The first girl Peyton had managed to feel anything about, and she was the enemy.

She tried to put the girl out of her mind, but she found she couldn’t. Her image enraptured Peyton’s entire being. Never before in her entire life had she ever been so obsessed with anything - she was obsessed with Keaton. It made her feel sick. It was like she had found the perfect piece to fill the void in her heart - and now that she had come so close, the hole was only getting bigger.

Peyton simply HAD to have her. There was no other solution. No one else could touch her, she was untouchable, she was perfect - she was made for Peyton.

Peyton quickly began to stalk the girl, finding everything out she could, tracing her clan, finding her family, breaking into their house and going through old photo albums, stealing things that still smelled like Keaton. Her pristine record kept everyone from becoming suspicious of her actions in the slightest. The fact that Keaton was so isolated only made her more intoxicating - Peyton’s little secret. Her one and only. Her magnum opus. The love of her life.

Distantly, her old morals screamed at her - what are you doing? You need to get it together! But their voice was drowned out by the overwhelming chorus chanting Keaton’s name, 24/7 on repeat.

She can’t run forever. The second she slips up - she’ll finally be hers <3

04 — Trivia

  • a melee kind of girl - she works hard on her biceps, you will see them in full detail. she's smart enough to find ways to close a gap, in most situations.

  • one of those people who's annoyingly immediately amazing at any hobby they pick up. she didn't cook until she moved out and she's already at an advanced level. she's great at dancing, every sport she's ever tried, knitting, woodworking, and sewing.

  • vegetarian. she eats a lot of salads

  • wants to get a dog, but doesn't have time to take care of one. if only they came in cute blonde girl size :( OH WAIT-!

  • collects things that Keaton drops, or things of Keaton's that she finds.

05 — Relationships


Everything Keaton does makes her heart skip a beat. She's so beautiful <3


Her and Harper are like two peas in a pod! When the two of them work together, not a single slayer stands a chance.