




Ah, it's more courageous to overcome.

Reserved and quiet, Achilles can most often be found lying in the garden, following whatever the warmest patch of sunshine is. He loves the flowers and plants, and has in fact shown remarkable skill in scent work, being able to identify and sniff out virtually anything his master asks for, at this point- and his skills come in high demand around the autumn, as he's shown an affinity for hunting down truffles! He also engages in agility work, and is a regular at conformation trials- Orion puts immense care in keeping Achilles looking his best, and both of them very much enjoy showing it off. When it comes to being around the other dogs, Achilles tends to pull back, not so fond of the crowd. He's gotten on well enough with Robin and Sans, preferring their more mellow natures and that they're content for a light stroll or nap; and then of course, there's... Clove... All things considered, Achilles actually gets on quite well with the floc, and Orion enjoys having someone who'll back him up in an argument. 

(And in case you're wondering- the crown is a fabric one, to minimize risk from the leaves. However, Orion does have a few bay laurels in his garden, and has taken to making wreaths from them to commemorate any victories Achilles takes in shows.)

Username: Dr. Paine
Name: SSV’s Heal And Rise Above // Achilles
Gender: Female*
Height: 18 in
Weight: 32 lbs
Color: Black and Offwhite Reverse Point Merle Extended Striped White
Genotype: at+at+ Bb cece Dd EE hh II kyky Mm spst tt Uu lclc
Notes: Laurel crown will not pass to offspring. It is a removable accessory, and thus they are able to compete in all aspects of the title program. *Note: When it comes to breeding submissions. Character-wise, Achilles identifies as male.
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