


2 years, 7 months ago


Ravanu is a Shadow Wolf who is part of Lorien's pack after leaving the Shadow Clans.


  • Name: Ravanu Khairt
  • Gender: Agender
  • Pronouns: He/him/They/Them
  • Birthday: November 4th
  • Age: 17 years
  • Species: Shadow
  • Blood Type: AB+
  • Orientation: Demisexual
  • Nicknames: Rav.

  • Pack: Shadow Clans. Lorien's Pack.
  • Rank: Soldier. Unknown.

Ravanu is an odd wolf, keeping to himself and doesn't like sharing information about themselves to others. Not even willingly. He tends to second guess themselves and will often feel conflicted with what they do. Their normal personality is loving and caring, very loyal and protective of those that has earned their trust. They grow attached to others pretty easily but they stifle this and often struggle with accepting that other wolves are terrible people. They have some memory problems after the mind control that the Shadow Clans put him through but this is getting better the longer he has spent away from them - but he has a fear of other Shadow Wolves, Light Wolves, and Spirit Wolves. However, Ravanu is passionate and will talk endlessly about things that have grabbed his attention, but he is quite disciplined and struggles to relax though they are trying their hardest to get used to and adjusted with the other younger members of the pack. He can be quite aggressive at times, but once again, he is doing his best.



Ravanu has all the moves and abilities of his species. His Midnight Form as of right now if very unstable and highly aggressive and he has no memories when he slips into this form. He is said to have a unique ability relating to darkness where his body can turn into shadows itself though he has no control over this ability.
He is also a summoner with an American Marten though his summon is kept mostly hidden. He is a lot more adapted to the cold than other Shadow Wolves and it doesn't seem to bother him all that much. He also keeps to a varied diet.


Ravanu's past is unknown though it is believed that he got kidnapped from his parents at a very young age. He was raised by the Shadow Clans and was subjected to the mind control from the Spirit Wolves and his memory problems started there.
He was tasked to try and kill of Tirio after he and his sisters left the Tanlin Clans. However this resulted in him getting caught by Lorien and then integrated into his pack. Ravanu tried to kill Tirio a few times but eventually he comes back to himself and who he really is. Tirio lied and said that they were together though this mostly involves teasing and insulting one another as Ravanu struggles to understand who he is.
Eventually he and Tirio split up for a while before Ravanu goes back to him and says that he loves Tirio and wants to give being them another chance which Tirio agrees to. He and Tirio are taking care of a young orphaned pup together that the Shadow Clans tried to kidnap.


Tirio - Mate
Unnamed child

Likes: Unknown - he is still trying to learn about himself so this list is incomplete. Flowers.

Dislikes: Not remembering things

Fears: Losing control of himself. His midnight form.


  • Theme Song: House of Memories - Panic At The Disco
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: "I told you...I don't know who I am."