Tirio Taykh



2 years, 6 months ago


Tirio is an Electric Wolf


  • Name: Tirio Taykh
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Birthday: December 28th
  • Age: 17 years
  • Species: Electric
  • Blood Type: B-
  • Orientation: Homosexual
  • Nicknames: Tiri. Tir.

  • Pack: Tanlin Clans.
  • Rank: Hunter

Tirio is a pretty temperamental wolf, often speaking his mind and not always noticing when someone is telling him to stop talking. He despises being an electric wolf at times and wishes he was another species instead though he later accepts his species and all of its flaws along with its good points. While not very religious, he still holds high regard for the Dragon Gods. However he is rather easy going but does sometimes struggle with trusting strangers and can be judgemental towards others even for things that they did years prior. When he trusts others, he trusts them deeply and when he feels like they have betrayed him, those feelings linger. Tirio is a big introvert and tends to stick to himself or close friends and family for the most part. However he does like to talk for hours once he is with someone he is comfortable around.



Tirio has all the moves and abilities of his species and sex.


Tirio is the second child of Jroh and his mother, and the older brother of Zhinu. Their mother left very quickly and Tirio often wondered if they (he and his sisters) weren't good enough for her to stay.
Tirio eventually becomes the mate to Ravanu after a long time.
Tirio looking at Ravanu as he is sleeping beside the two pups. He sits down nearby and watches the pups who squirm against each other and then notice Tirio's presence before moving over to him. Tirio just stares at the pups and he has no ideas of what he should do but Ravanu is sound asleep. Tirio stares at the shadow wolf and then decides that the pups are cute and he could help watch them as Ravanu rests up.

Jroh - father
Unknown mother
Older sister
Zhinu - sister

Ravanu - mate

Likes: Pranks. Sunrise. Talking for hours.

Dislikes: Being betrayed. Heartbreak.

Fears: Having his heart broken.


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: N/A