


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Lance Nelson


Mid 20s




Sales office worker


schmooze central, big bully, PDA-lover, tease, real slime-ball business shark type, jerk, hypocrite, prideful, caring, jealous, selfish, smart, arrogant, unaware, charming, sleazy

Lance was your typical high school bully. You could say he was just confused and insecure, but Lance has been cocky and confident his whole life, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. His life is going great! He's got it all, (a hot bf, a great job) and he still wants more. Lance is very competitive and is looking for promotion. Despite what some people might think, he is actually a hard worker, but he's selfish and not much of a team player, so sometimes he ends up pushing people aside and making things harder for other people because of his goals. He puts himself first in almost all situations. Except when he's trying to impress his boss. He's a total schmooze and is willing to kiss ass at every turn when there is a business opportunity. That's one of the only times he'll set aside his pride-- for his boss or once in a while for his boyfriend. 

Lance isn't the best at self-reflection. He accidentally fell in love with the nerd he was bullying in high school, and that was it for him. He doesn't think much about his sexuality anymore than that because he thinks he's got it made and locked into place. He's at his peak of life right now, or he's just about to be when he finally gets that promotion. 

  • Loves eating fast food when working late nights
  • Really bad at writing emails but is extremely charming over the phone or in person
  • Always slicks back his hair and doesn't like a strand to fall out of place
  • Wants to be the best at everything