Areth Wixx



6 years, 8 months ago



"A person's a person, no matter how small."

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【 Name 】 Areth Wixx 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 16 【 D.o.B. 】 October 25
【 Origin 】 Look in Backstory 【 Species 】 Angel Dragon Fox Mix
【 Height 】 5'3" 【 Build 】 Hourglass

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】
Areth’s Backstory W A R N I N G!!! Deep Story!!

Areth’s POV (Not a true story btw, this is just a backstory)
Year 2 Day 1
I woke up that morning, scared for my life that they would kill me and my brother. They awoke me, those people… who were they, scientists? “Hey, calm down, everything will be okay…” One of them said, petting me. “For the rest of your life, we will be testing what kind of animal fusion you can be. And once you're done, you will be sent to a place with all the other test subjects.” I teared up, I could not stand what they did to me. They took me to a room that was big, dark, and scary. It looked like one of those laboratories. When they talked, it would echo. They strapped me to the chair and started their tests on me, like I was some kind of lab rat.
When I was a little kit, my parents used to feed me and take good care of me, till I was about five. They would leave me out in the cold, alone and scared. Sometimes they would attack me and my brother, who was only three by the time I was five. After that, they sent us to a lab where they fuse animals to make weird hybrids. In the factory, I spend the worst seven years of my life.
After they were all done with the testings for the day, they sent me to my room where I slept. After they would leave, I would sneak out of my room, into the air vent, and look for my brother’s room to see how he was doing. He looked fine, maybe a couple of scratches were visible, but nothing severe. “You alright?” “Mmhmm.” “What did they do to you today?” “They figured out that I can fuse with all sorts of animals.” He showed me his tail, it was a cat tail instead of a fox tail. “Woah, that’s actually pretty cool. They still haven't fused me with anything yet.”
Just then, I heard the scientists walking in the hallway outside of my brother’s door. I ran back into my room through the air vent, leaped from the vent to my bed with a loud THUD, which made the scientists run to my room. “What on earth happened here!” I remained silent. “Did you hit your head?! Answer me!” I nodded. “Serves you right for being a dumb fox.” My ears when down to the back of my head as they left. Before they left, they told me to get some rest for more tests. I tried closing my eyes, but the only thing I could think of was them sticking a needle in my arm and taking most of my blood.

Jump to Year 7 day 5
I awoke in a strange room with other animals in cages, animals that did not look like ordinary animals. Were they… fusions? I looked on my back and saw two tiny wings. I felt my head and yelled in pain as something sharp hit my hand. Horns! I must have been fused with an angel dragon. I sighed and looked around to try to find a way out. I saw a vent. Perfect. I thought and clawed at the cage bars and sliced them open. I opened the vent and ran through it, looking for light, and I found it, the outdoors! Freedom! I flew out of the vent and hid in a cave so that the scientists that figured out that I escaped could not find me. I was finally free. But I realized I forgot someone… someone important to me… my brother. Well, I can’t go back for him now… I’ll get killed. I sighed and stayed in the cave I have found.


[ Little Brother ] Areth's brother that went to the factory with her. When they met up again, she thought he was crazy and she hasnt talked to him ever since.



[ Evil Side ] Basically just Areth's evil side. The scientists made her by adding some of Areth's dna to a mechanical ghost. The ghost possesses her and she becomes Htera.


Character Name

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