Vera's Comments

hello! so i did read the warning and i believe it was only written that offering on chars with nft/nfs/forever homed was prohibided but i can't remember if it was allowed to offer on other chars. if it is i love this character and i'd love to offer usd (unless one or more of the 5 chars on unsorted interests you?, if usd is what you could be searching for, how much would it be? if it wasn't allowed to offer i'm deeply sorry and hope i didn't offend you in any way, i have a terrible memory for rules sadly. thank you a lot for your time and patience, have a great day!

Hi! Thank you for reading my rules and actually I'm still in the process of organizing my account so I forgot to put rules for my Secondary folder where Vera is in. Characters in that folder can be offered on, that's a mistake on part to not write that on in so you're good!

I'm a little tent on them but I would be willing to sell for $18 USD.

They also come with some character info that I'll add to their page right now.

I see! I'm glad i didn't break any rules of yours. :')) And good luck organising it all I'm doing the same and it's long but nice when it's done.

OH MY GOD, absolutely, 18$ is perfect for me. ;; Can the character info be changed? because i'd like to change their pronouns and (maybe, because normally i change it everytime but this name fits them so much) name if possible.

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