


2 years, 6 months ago



the young medicine cat of riverclan! she's a sweet cat who wants nothing but the best for her friends and clanmates. she might be a bit ditzy, but who isn't?

everybody's falling in love and i'm falling behind -w-

| nomenclature

frost - for her pale colored eyes, similar to the color of frost in the morning
moth - for the wing like pattern across her back and her strange connection to the creatures

| age


| birth season


| gender

female | she/her

| orientation

heteroflexible ace

| loyalty


| rank

medicine cat

| theme

winter dream - stella jang


Frostmoth is a pretty, cream colored cat with splotches of warm silver and darker tan. She has light colored blue eyes and a stark, butterfly/moth shaped spot on her back which bleeds onto her shoulder. Her fur is always well groomed and soft to the touch, with a slight curl in the longer parts. Her build is fairly small- lingering at slightly shorter than average height. Although she appears quite slim, she has some weight to her. She has no notable scars, but a slightly longer than average tail.

even if 100 bad things happen to you, if you get lucky just once, you just call that day a lucky day


A kind and well natured cat. She tends to be quite soft spoken, but when she has a strong opinion she will make it known. She works very hard, oftentimes overworking herself because of her strive for perfection. Don't be fooled by her clumsiness or airheaded nature, she's quite smart and quick to catch on to things.

  • Likes
    • moths
    • swimming
    • chatting
    • stargazing
  • Dislikes
    • fighting
    • toads
    • bees/wasps
    • being cold

















  • Father: lionrunner
  • Mother: birchflower
  • Siblings: duskfall
  • Mate: ?
  • Kit: x


TL;DR she doesn't have a set story yet laaawll :P [ Read more ]

{ title }

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frostmoth was riverclan born and raised, and as such cares very deeply for it. she feels pride in her clan. while she does appreciate and care for it, she would always choose her clanmates over the clan itself- she cares more for her friends and loved ones then the concept of a clan.

briarsong . [ close friend ] one of frostmoth's closest friends and confidants. she loves chatting and hanging out with briarsong! they spend a lot of time looking for herbs, talking, or just sunbathing.

elmtree . [ ??? ] although extremely wary of him due to his residence in the dark forest and his charming nature, frostmoth seems to be warming up to him... she still doesn't know what led him to be in the place of no stars or why he keeps bringing her to the inbetween of starclan and the dark forest.

quillbee . [ best friend ] frostmoth's best friend and a warrior (later deputy) of riverclan. the two didn't become friends until late apprenticehood, but ever since then they've been attached at the hip. if frostmoth is nowhere to be found, it's likely that she's spending time with quillbee.

Trivia + Design Notes

  • she has three ginger/cream colored spots under her right eye!
  • her pupils are usually shaped like stars- but they don't have to be
  • she's pretty fluffy ! she is a turkish angora mix :3
  • she loves swimming! she likes going out (on not busy days) to sun herself and swim
  • her vision is rather poor compared to other cats
  • despite being named after something cold, she is surprisingly intolerant to it- she much prefers warm weather

code by Leporidebug
