


2 years, 5 months ago


A psychologist with the belief that exposure is the only way to cure what ails you mentally. He will hypnotize and force you to live out your worst fears, until you conquer it. He enjoys the more Jungian techniques in hand with exposure therapies.

Introverted by nature, he prefers doctor-patient relationships and finds them fulfilling enough rather than pursuing a need for intimacy and close relationships.

Family relations 

He did not know his father, who disappeared in the forest before Jasper was born, and his mother passed away when he was 12.  He sees his brother Duke on occasion, also a distanced relationship. Duke married and started a family, Jaspers family became health pursuits and his patients.

Notable Townspeople relationships 


He worked with sheriff  Sidabras through his PTSD and provided trauma counseling. Crooked police bred trust issues as well, and working with jasper resulted in a friendship and bond of trust between them.


She is a florist and herbalist, Jasper's neighbor. They have spoken little but always greeted each other politely in passing, coming or going from their home. She does worry about him and takes notice if he disappears into his home.


He is one of few medical practitioners in town, and has a firm belief that Jasper's soft sciences are sentimental and unnecessary. Why spend your time talking about your insomnia after trauma when this pill will make you feel like you can fly and sleep at the same time. He was a problem solver and Jasper was chasing wild geese hoping to find a solution. 

Jasper's view respected and knew both disciplines are necessary for treatment, and he will ask his patients to consider drugs if his methods fail. However, he does not appreciate Mendens ' straight to drugs approach, creating a tension between them.


The young gap year student who works at the coffee shop, saving up to go to university. Jasper tries to interest him in psychology and always offers him a motivational idea when he visits the shop. Fry is intrigued  but unsure if he wants to study this as a career. They often get lost in long conversations on the topic, resulting in the rest of the staff becoming frustrated.

Coping with his own difficulties, he uses internal humor as a crutch, while interacting with him is a more clinical experience.

He has driven a few people mad through his methods, but helped a lot in the process too. Not everyone is ready to confront the inner world where the cure lies.