Greensquare, Smalltown



2 years, 4 months ago


42732984_LrrTxwIJwHjNfKq.pngGreensquare (Residence and businesses) 1-10
A quiet, green suburban area of Smalltown
1) Wish-you-well, a small public Garden. Stone paved. Surrounded by a kept garden. It has a wishing well with some benches to sit on.

2) Jasper's Home. It is large enough for one and too small for two, but very homely. He works from home as a psychologist and therapist.

3) Quinn's Home. Another home for one, with a greenhouse setup taking up all the backyard space. She grows herbs here.

4 Single Home
5 Single Home
6 Single Home

7 Quinn's Flower Stand She keeps all the gardens in Greensquare, and sells cut flowers and herbs from this stand. There is a tent with what is on display, and a vase for payment if she is away tending the gardens. 

8 Greenquare Market
9 Family home

10 Wild Garden A small piece of the Strip preserved as it was found, and tended to.