


2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Alister Ansuss










174 cm


Chaotic neutral


"I am a born gambler and can't resist taking risks when there's something valuable at stake."

"Freedom. The life of a pirate embodies freedom — to go wherever and do whatever one pleases."

"I will always remember my first love."

"Once I start drinking, I can't stop."


Alister grew up in the slums; his father was a gravedigger, and as he came of age, he joined his father working in the cemetery. During one of the funerals Alister attended, he managed to strike up a conversation with Callista, a tiefling from a noble family. After that funeral, Callista began frequenting the cemetery, pretending to mourn a deceased relative, just to spend time with Alister. Their relationship quickly developed, and Alister eventually confessed his love to Callista, who reciprocated. However, Callista's family opposed their relationship due to Alister's background. Callista's father, a wealthy entrepreneur, attempted to bribe Alister with gold to sever ties with Callista. When Callista learned about the attempt, she left her family estate, cutting all ties with her relatives.

Alister continued working at the cemetery, while Callista found a job as a waitress in a local tavern. With the help of Alister's relatives, the young couple managed to save enough money to secure a modest but decent home on the outskirts of the slums. Shortly after moving in together, Callista became pregnant and gave birth to a son named Kyron. The next five years of their lives were relatively ordinary until Callista's health began to deteriorate. A few months later, she passed away. Desperate to provide for his son, Alister turned to robbing graves and tombs. However, this decision led to unfavorable consequences. The widower of one of the graves Alister looted discovered the theft and hired a mercenary to seek revenge. Realizing Alister's motives, the mercenary spared his life but demanded Kyron in exchange. With no other choice, Alister gave up his son.

Devastated, Alister decided to start anew, abandoning his birth name and adopting a new one: Ace. For several months, Ace struggled with depression, wandering from city to city. Ace returned to his old ways, surviving through theft, selling stolen goods, and gambling. The meager earnings went towards renting a room in a tavern, food, and alcohol. This cycle continued until Ace crossed paths with Margo. Late one evening, she joined Ace in a tavern, and due to the pirate's charm, they soon found themselves laughing and toasting to each other's health. In his drunken state, Ace shared the story of his troubled past with Margo, who was moved by his tale. Margo invited Ace to join her crew and set sail with them. With nothing left to lose, Ace agreed. In the early hours, Ace and Margo's crew escaped the city on a ship, leaving their troubles behind. The pirate's life helped Ace shed the weight of his past and depression. For a decade, Ace has traveled with Margo and her crew, content with his place in life.


Ace is not as simple as he appears, but he strives to maintain the image of a simpleton in the eyes of others. He typically behaves carefreely and possesses a rough yet worldly sense of humor. Ace's ease and sociability help him endear himself to people; he fosters friendly relationships with others to gain their trust, mainly for his well-being. He doesn't hesitate to use others and delegate tasks to them. To many, Ace is a good companion and drinking buddy, someone who can both listen and share interesting stories. However, he genuinely considers only a few as his true friends. Unafraid to break ethical norms or appear rude, Ace almost always behaves respectfully toward those above him on the social ladder, even though he harbors strong negative feelings towards such individuals. Life in the slums taught Ace to navigate any situation, making him calculative, adept at controlling his emotions, and capable of maintaining composure in the face of danger.

  • A lover of games of chance, especially card games, Ace knows many dishonest, fraudulent tricks and doesn't shy away from using them. In his free time, you can often find Ace playing solitaire. He also enjoys engaging in various pointless activities, such as building towers from empty alcohol bottles.
  • Alcoholism is a long-standing habit for Ace; once he starts drinking, he struggles to stop.
  • He knows some card tricks from a book he keeps in his backpack.
  • Over time, living in the slums instilled in Ace the habit of pocketing anything that seems valuable or useful. He can convince people that seemingly worthless items have value.
  • Despite his dubious activities, Ace dislikes unnecessary acts of violence and cruelty.
  • He dislikes law-abiding and uptight individuals.


Ace's most valuable ally is Margo. He respects her not only for being a good leader but also as a person. Without her assistance, Ace might not have been able to let go of his past, and he could have likely succumbed to despair in the alleys of the slums.