Yan'He Huijin



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Yan'He Huijin


The Ashen Monk, One Punch Yan, Angry Firegrill


Elder Monk of a Destroyed Monastery


Cindersoul Genasi









Sexual Orientation

Asexual and Biromantic


Chaotic NeutralCindersoul GenasiMonk/BarbarianSoul Songs/Path of the Totem Warrior







Relationships: Yan'He isn't typically keen on serious relationships as she has grown up in an environment where relationships are only really seen as a method of reproduction, rather than anything social and romantic. However, she does have a strange attraction to a rather mild mannered Tiefling girl called Yunrei Nauphis, a Cleric of Selune, Goddess of the Moon. She also has a small nagging feeling tugging at the back of her mind which seems to be focused on a particular Copper Dragon by the name of Yol'Jun. Weather this feeling is romantic or is hateful in nature, she really can't tell.

Personality: Typically, Yan'He is quite short tempered and prone to violence, which can be seen as hypocritical as she enjoys pestering and annoying others. She is usually viewed as arrogant, cocky and overconfident and easily rubs people the wrong way, unfortunately, this is mainly a facade to cover up severe PTSD and Depression. However, she isn't all bad. She typically gets over protective of those she cares about and is perfectly willing to give her own life if it meant saving those she cares for. In fact, she's a little too eager to throw away her life, even going as far as intentionally stabbing herself to save two of her friends (Long story. Involves a sentient murderous book). This has - as one can imagine - caused quite a few troubles for her, traumatizing said friends in the process. At heart, Yan'He is a proud and noble warrior with compassion and motivation to protect her friends and avenge her past.

History: Yan'He was born and raised in a Monastery for Genasi of all types. The Monastery worshiped Eldath, The Goddess of Peace and each member of the Monastery was strictly brought up as pacifistic, only studying Martial Arts as a form of meditation and focus. However, Yan'He didn't always stick to that strict code as she had always suffered with anger issues. Needless to say, she spent quite a lot of nights washing up as punishment, leaving her quite lethargic due to exposure to water. Even still, she was content with her life and later became the Monastery's go to girl for bartering with local towns and villages. However, on returning from an errand to a nearby village, Yan'He's life was turned on its head and then stamped on repeatedly. Upon her arrival to the Monastery, what she found was smoke, fire and death. Every single man, woman, child had been mercilessly slaughtered and the Monastery had been burned to the ground. The only person she managed to find alive was the Elder Monk... however, it was clear he would not survive his wounds. His last words to Yan'He were to appoint her as the Monastery's next Elder Monk and to not forget her way. However, by this point, Yan'He was so full of hatred, despair and rage, his warning fell on deaf ears. She has vowed to find whoever was responsible for this and end their lives even if it killed her, saying - and I quote - "I will hunt you to the ends of this wretched Earth... and if I die, I'll just come back in the next life, and then the next, then the one after that. I will keep coming for you until I finally destroy everything that you have ever created, then, when you are all alone, I will simply let you wallow in a pit of your own sadness. You will beg for me to end it. But I won't."