


2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Robotic Dog








Tags, Cinnamon, Melon, Cotton, Primavera







Theme song:

"I Am Not A Robot"


About the world they inhabit:

Their planet is very similar to Earth, both geographically and developmentally. Their social etiquette is also much the same. The most obvious difference is the population that's made up of anthropomorphic animals, and depending on their species, they can possess (often) magical abilities. Humans and animals like the ones we have on earth are not present (excluding fish and insects; they have those).

Some of the smaller differences are that their world is slightly more technologically advanced than ours is. Governments are run fairly similarly as well.

Every living being has a soul (excluding robots or artificial life). Rights are given to individuals depending on whether or not the soul is present. Inanimate objects (such as toys or stuffed animals) can come to life on rare occasions, and research shows that they do indeed have souls; though, it's unknown why this happens. In some cases, it seems more like possession occurs.


Since Kelli was never "born" or isn't a natural entity, her abilities are limited to whatever she was programmed with. She's quick to learn new information (which she won't forget), and is fluent in every language. There's also the possibility for self-awareness to form, but depending on the bot, may take time or never occur. She cannot cry or eat food (at least not properly, sometimes she'll try to, but the chewed food will just spill outside of her maw). 


Possessing a child-like mind, Kelli is very curious, naive, and friendly. She has a lot of energy, which tends to bring a smile to the faces of those around her. She's physically affectionate, encouraging, and loves to spend time with others. She struggles to understand certain heavy topics, though, so mental struggles and politics are completely lost on her.

She has a deep interest in tech, coding, and video games. She mysteriously had much prior knowledge about these subjects, though she didn't know where it came from. But she doesn't focus on that; all she knows is that it's what she loves, and that she wants to share it with the world.


Kelli is a robot, initially built in the 80's with the function of being a companion to lonely children. They were (and still continue to be) technologically impressive, especially for their time. These bots were programmed to show compassion, as well as a wide range of expressions, hidden under soft fur to make them more cuddly and appealing to children. They're programmed in such a way that leads them to believe they aren't robots at all, to give the most authentic and lively personalities possible. They're also given childish interests, allowing them to observe what the child they're assigned to likes and then enjoy it themselves for the child's benefit, as the genuine intrigue feels more authentic.
This brand of robot quickly went out of style after the ethics of giving something a "life" and leading it to believe it's no different than those with souls were questioned. With the verdict being that, moving forward, robots cannot be given sentience of any kind, Kelli's particular brand of robots had a tendency to go rogue when they were threatened with the possibility of being trashed, reset, or abandoned, fearing for their "lives". They still don't have rights due to most robots lacking the features that Kelli has.
Due to how old her technology is, Kelli has a few incorrect functions, the most obvious of which is her left eye. She can no longer remember the child she was assigned to, or if she was assigned to anyone for that matter. But her natural interest in video games and tech shows that she was probably put to use at some point, but she has no prior knowledge of her life or where she came from. Others figure that her memory was reset, but she has no clue. She doesn't even think she's a robot, being programmed to believe she's "normal" so that the interactions she has with children feel more natural. This might not seem like a problem, but she's clueless to the unfair treatment she faces.

Her earliest memory was of being homeless, but she found a way to bring money in by working as a freelance web developer on library computers. Eventually, she made enough to rent out her own apartment and even get her own computer. She got around; practically everyone in her radius knew who she was. She especially loved to chat with people who sat by themselves or seemed introverted. However, she felt lonely too. Sure, she had all these people who she would chit chat with, but she wanted someone she could be closer to. Little did she know, she'd get her wish. With some help from the internet, she met a teddy bear named Tags.
Tags met Kelli online after opening a discussion about how to fix his sewing machine. They discovered that they lived near each other, and Kelli came over to fix it herself. From here, the two talked more frequently, Kelli's friendly and inviting nature opening Tags up a bit, something no one else was able to do for him.  

He was an interesting fella, introverted and quiet. He seemed to enjoy traditionally feminine things, which Kelli didn't care about, but she thought it was cool that someone could be so good at sewing. When they went places together, Kelli was usually the one who ordered the food or talked to the employees. In general, she was the talkative one. Tags liked to listen to her. He listened to her talk about her aspirations and goals, her interests, and how she planned to combine the two. Kelli always wanted her own game store, so she loved to talk about what it might look like.  
For a long time, he seemed to be the only person who truly cared for Kelli. Most people treat her like she's a toy for their own amusement, although she's oblivious to this fact. Not being made of flesh and blood himself, Tags has no issues relating to her, even though they're polar opposites in basically every other way possible.  
Tags was always sure to avoid infantilizing or patronizing her, treating her just like anyone else. Even though she wasn't able to pinpoint what it was, Kelli loved this about him.  
Sometimes Tags would talk about himself too, the new projects he was planning on making, cute ideas he found while browsing online. It was special to hear someone who rarely shared information about themselves reveal their latest happenings.  

Kelli decided she would go visit Tags one day, since she was passing by his place. It would be like a nice little surprise. She found that his apartment door was unlocked, so she decided to invite herself in. The last thing she was expecting to see was Tags' usually tidied room a mess, and he was a mess, too. He was sitting on the floor, his arm torn open with fluff spilling out of it. Obviously, Kelli was concerned and rushed to ask Tags if he had been okay. He seemed to be in a state of shock upon seeing her. He broke down crying.  
She couldn't wrap her head around it. Tags had explained why he wrecked his room and harmed himself, but it didn't make sense. All Kelli knew was that he needed her more than ever, and that she would be there for him always. This seemed to reassure Tags, and he thanked her for being a good friend.  

Their lives went on. As optimistic as ever, Kelli still thought of ways to make her dream come true. Tags would always ask her questions about how she planned on achieving such a goal, and, admittedly, the task was easier to fantasize about than it was to actually pull off. But she always gave him an answer that he seemed to listen closely to.  
Tags called her, sounding excited. This was rare for Tags, as he was usually pretty low energy. This excited Kelli too. He asked to meet up with her to chat, so they did so. Enthusiastically, he explained that he had found a place where they could open Kelli's game store. If the two put their money together, they would be able to afford it. Tags had apparently been saving up for months, as had Kelli, but she had no idea he was too. He was even going to do the paperwork! She was elated, excitedly jumping around, and squeezing Tags in a tight hug, forgetting that he wasn't much of a hugger. Regardless, her enthusiasm seemed to be lifting him up, as he had one of the most genuine smiles on his face she'd ever seen him give, far different from his usual nervous smile.  

Once the place was set up, Kelli spread the word. Her large number of connections got her business pretty quickly, and with Tags' help, running the store was even easier than she'd imagined.
Although she now lives above the store with Tags, Kelli had far more exposure to his destructive behavior. He would mess up his room, hurt himself, then he'd sew himself back up and neatly organize his room again. She tried her best to get him to stop, but he was in what seemed like a manic state when he did these things, so eventually she learned to leave him alone and came back when he needed comfort and help picking up again. Still, living with Tags was better than living alone. Kelli loved having a companion by her side whenever she could. He was still the kind, gentle, introvert she'd known; he just faced challenges.  

The following five years were good, challenges and all. However, game stores were noticeably on the decline, with digital downloads becoming increasingly popular. This made business a bit harder, but they were holding up. Loyal customers kept them in business.  

It wasn't common for small businesses to come and go, so it came as no surprise when the shop next to theirs shut down, and a new one replaced it. Kelli never really got to know her past neighbors, but she figured now that she should really try and get to know the new ones. So pretty soon after they opened, she and Tags introduced themselves.  
The neighbors were a lot more notable than the last ones were. They sold both baked goods and bouquets, and their set up was quite cozy. Four individuals ran the place: Cinnamon, the baker, was very friendly. She was also mute. Which wasn't a problem at all, as Kelli knew sign language (She never had any issue with language; in fact, people would always comment on how it seemed to be pre-programmed into her. How funny)! Then there was Melon, who was Cinnamon's translator. Primavera, who took care of all the flower stuff. And Cotton, who seemed to help with the customers and general maintenance.  

Cotton was the first to greet them, enthusiastically welcoming them into the store and subsequently getting excited once she realized that they were the neighbors. She gave them a tour and introduced them to everyone. Kelli liked her quite a bit. She was strange and talked about a lot of things that she didn't quite understand, but she seemed to have a bit of an interest in technology too. She seemed to spend a portion of her time on her laptop, so Kelli exchanged social media accounts with her.  
Cinnamon showed interest in having Kelli do a website for their store, with pay, of course. The two discussed this for a long while, and she was having a good time.  
Tags was a bit more awkward, but eventually started talking with Primavera about his hobbies and their tastes in fashion and decor. He seemed to loosen up then, which Kelli was happy about. 

Sooner than later, they got to be fairly close. Cotton and Cinnamon would frequently visit the store. Sometimes Primavera and Melon (mostly him) would stop by too, usually to hang around Tags. Kelli and he would visit them frequently too. Even though business wasn't great, things felt like they were going really well!  

 ... But that was a few years ago. But business only got worse from there. Hardly anyone was coming in. Kelli felt weird. Something was wrong, but what? Kelli didn't know very many things about herself. She knew that she enjoyed company; she knew that she liked technology. She would watch herself in the mirror. She knew she was stupid. It seems that most people treated her that way, aside from Tags and the neighbors. But even then, they'd give her appalled looks all the time. She was missing something that was obvious to everyone else, and it was frustrating.  

Tags seemed to get stranger and stranger as the years went on too. He is less talkative than usual, more avoidant, and spends more time indulging in his destructive habits... Kelli wasn't sure what to do; it was becoming concerning. He seemed scared of her, trying as hard as he could not to make eye contact (not that he made much eye contact before, but now she refuses to look her in the eyes). She wanted her friend to feel safe and happy, and letting this continue wasn't the way to do so.  
She stepped into Tags' room after the noise had stopped. He had been facing away from her, non-responsive to her calls. She slowly reached her hand out to touch his shoulder, and he whipped around, looking more frazzled and manic than she'd ever seen in the entirety of her life. Kelli stumbled back, apologizing for disrupting him. Tags wasn't in a clear state of mind though; he looked like he had completely lost himself. She watched as he picked up a hammer and frantically backed herself into a corner. He came closer. She felt an emotion she recognized before, but she had never felt it so intensely; fear. She finally realized that something was terribly wrong, finally grasped that something wasn't right with her either, but she had little time to figure it out. But the cogs started turning in her head, regardless. Things were beginning to make sense.  

Tags raised the hammer high above his head and swung it as hard as he could. That was the last sight Kelli saw.