jordan kodas



6 years, 7 months ago


jordan miles kodas
oct 9






rugged . gruff . mean motherfucker

a broken town , a broken boy— jordan kodas has felt undervalued and taken advantage of his entire life. to rebel , he robs banks with a girl who makes him feel good before she turns on him , and he murders her in a blind rage. due to his father's valor , jordan is offered a way out of prison by serving in the military. it ends up breaking him after years and years of torment; he copes by slicing up people who take advantage of their positions to oppress others , and preps their meat to serve alongside animal offal in a ancient to archaic butcher shop inherited from his uncle.


  • whiskey
  • hunting
  • babes :-]

  • abusers
  • the legal system
  • money
if charlie wants to tangle , now he'll have two to dodge.

  • INTJ
  • half human / half demon on his father's side; is not aware
  • spirit animal is a wolf
Design Notes

  • messily slicked back hair with unkempt strands hang in his face when stressed.
  • takes inspiration from frank castle & bob parr

the kodas family raise a young jordan kodas in a small town in georgia where he shows great promise by beefing up and performing athletics well. 


the kodas family uproot their country life from hayfields to middle upper-class suburbia. the transition from living in a small friendly southern town to a bustling school erring on the edges of a city is rough , and jordan finds himself at the foot of intense bullying. despite maintaining a lean , strong build , jordan's baby fat from his adolescence takes years to dissipate is the target of the mockery alongside his " hillbilly " southern accent. he finds a friend in a misguided arsonist , and the duo find their selves target to homophobic insults. once he enters high school , jordan is quick to meet lulu gonzalez , whom soon becomes his girlfriend. she dreams of attacking the system that claimed them to be underdogs. jordan steals a shotgun from his father's belongings , and the two rob local gas stations and vandalize buildings. the anarchy only intensifies when lulu urges jordan to assist in robbing a bank. during the heist , lulu and jordan are backed into a corner and injure a couple of bank employees and the first responding officer. when lulu disagrees to surrendering , she attacks jordan , who reluctantly murders her to save his life. by the nape of his neck , he escapes the crime scene and lives on the run for a week before being picked up by a state trooper for illegally dumping roadkill. due to his father's outstanding reputation and performance in the military , he is offered the choice to serve his sentence between prison or in the military mandatorily for the upcoming 20 years.


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Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


  • bootlicker!!!!!!!!! :puke_emoji: :puke_emoji:
  • found the kid who takes rotc too seriously