03. Shade (Rhyz)



2 years, 7 months ago



Life Alias Shade
Given Name Rhyz
Gender Male
Pronouns [he / him]
Colony Windswept Moor
Rank Sentinel

❝ Pray and pray all you want, the Nines aren't going to save you. The world only changes when you make changes for yourself. ❞

Shade is a bulky new-age plains wildcat of the Windswept Moor, born into a place of high privilege as the kitten of two high-profile cats. Outwardly, he is caring, charismatic, and incredibly socially intelligent, if a bit arrogant, but is very well-liked overall throughout the colonies. Early into his training, Shade first met his illegitimate younger brother, Gale, born between his father and a Shaded Fen dam. Gale was brought to live on the moor, where Shade befriended him. But Gale faced harsh prejudice from the colony as he grew, until the day he was finally driven to his early death.

Beneath his carefully maintained mask of charm, Shade harbours intense resentment toward his father, his Kith, and colony culture as a whole in the aftermath of his brother's death. Shade believes the Hinterland valley colony system should be abolished and rebuilt from the ground up, with himself at the helm to dictate which cats are worthy enough to live in it. He has resolved that if he must unite the colonies by force, so be it - he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.


  • Being in charge
  • Recognition
  • Hunting alone
  • Being idolized
  • His brother


  • His father
  • His Kith
  • The colony system
  • Anyone higher than him in authority
  • Anyone who opposes his ideas



Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vesti id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus convallis. Proin pretium a nisi ut dignissim. Duis ut iaculis urna, ut condimentum est.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.


Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vesti id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus convallis. Proin pretium a nisi ut dignissim. Duis ut iaculis urna, ut condimentum est.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.






This box will scroll when filled with content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum turpis. Sed sit amet scelerisque orci. Donec ornare elementum pharetra. Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. Vivamus ultricies dapibus leo, vel iaculis ipsum tempus porttitor. Ut pharetra urna non risus ornare ornare at quis mauris. Vivamus nec nisl arcu. Phasellus nec laoreet nibh. Ut pharetra urna non risus ornare ornare at quis mauris. Vivamus nec nisl arcu. Phasellus nec laoreet nibh.


Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vesti id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus convallis. Proin pretium a nisi ut dignissim. Duis ut iaculis urna, ut condimentum est.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis.


Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis molestie turpis. Sed quis molestie turpis. In feugiat pulvinar dolor.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.



Let It Go  ∙  The Neighbourhood

Iron  ∙  Woodkid

Better For Me  ∙  Fake Laugh

You Should See Me In A Crown  ∙  Seirra Pilot


  • His given name Rhyz references the old-tongue word for a brisk wind, and rhymes with 'breeze'.
  • Shade’s father knocked out his left upper canine in the fight where Shade killed him, and also gave him the scarring on his upper and lower lip. He never revealed to the colony how he lost it, instead starting a running bit where he would come up with a more outlandish story every time he was asked what happened. The stories could be anything from fighting off ten wolves to being attacked by a forest monster. Most cats figure the manner he lost it is too embarrassing to share, like tripping off some rocks.
  • He smells like copper and earth.
  • Shade as a character was originally created in 2019.


friend / sibling figure / enemy

Shade took Woodsmoke under his wing when they first came to the Windswept Moor, inviting them to help him unite the colonies. The two developed a close relationship like siblings, though their clashing moral ideologies caused them to fight more and more over time.

Though Shade did once hold some genuine affection for Woodsmoke, he always partially resented them for being a pale imitation of his brother, and he later grew to loathe them for daring to oppose his warped ideology.


mortal enemy

Sun has always stood in opposition at the end of Shade's failed plans. He is the single greatest threat to the feasibility of Shade being able to conquer the Hinterland Valley colonies due to the sheer power and influence he holds.

Deep down, Shade holds a genuine fear of Sun as a cat seemingly able to channel the powers of the Nines. Locked in a battle of wits at opposing borders, each hopes to strip the other of their power - Shade is keenly aware he must dispose of Sun before he thwarts his plans for good.


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


Yew is Gale's half brother and an insider in the Shaded Fen who Shade sought out to help him in his plans. Their alliance is likely to hold up only as long as the two find use in each other.

code by 00Ishikawa00 and Jiko